Eric Bonvin (Author) Alternative and complementary medicine in our hospitals: forbidden yesterday, tolerated today... implemented tomorrow? Fulltext PDF Fulltext HTML
Roland Bingisser, Christian Hans Nickel (Author) The last century of symptom-oriented research in emergency presentations – have we made any progress? Fulltext PDF Fulltext HTML
Diego Kyburz, Axel Finckh (Author) The importance of early treatment for the prognosis of rheumatoid arthritis Fulltext PDF Fulltext HTML
Martin Stocker, Christoph Berger, Jane McDougall, Eric Giannoni (Author) Recommendations for term and late preterm infants at risk for perinatal bacterial infection Fulltext PDF Fulltext HTML
David Gasche, Tanja Ulle, Bernhard Meier, Roger-Axel Greiner (Author) Cost-effectiveness of ticagrelor and generic clopidogrel in patients with acute coronary syndrome in Switzerland Fulltext PDF Fulltext HTML
Rein Jan Piso, Christiane Arnold, Stefano Bassetti (Author) Coverage of atypical pathogens for hospitalised patients with community-acquired pneumonia is not guided by clinical parameters Fulltext PDF Fulltext HTML
Dorothea Wunder, Eva-Maria Neurohr, Mohamed Faouzi, Martin H Birkhäuser (Author) Origin and outcome of multiple pregnancies in Bern, Switzerland, 1995–2006 and the current proposal of the Swiss parliament to revise the Swiss law of reproductive medicine: Switzerland quo vadis? Fulltext PDF Fulltext HTML
Patrick Studer, Norbert Suhm, Björn Zappe, Nicolas Bless, Marcel Jakob (Author) Pubic rami fractures in the elderly – a neglected injury? Fulltext PDF Fulltext HTML
Bernard Cerutti, Laurent Bernheim, Elisabeth van Gessel (Author) The predictive validity of the aptitude test for the performance of students starting a medical curriculum Fulltext PDF Fulltext HTML
Philipp Bardelli, Vladimir Kaplan (Author) Non-urgent encounters in a Swiss medical emergency unit Fulltext PDF Fulltext HTML