Nino Künzli (Author) Beyond leukaemia and nuclear power: Swiss health sciences need a mega-cohort Fulltext PDF Fulltext HTML
Claudia Elisabeth Kuehni, Ben Daniel Spycher (Author) Nuclear power plants and childhood leukaemia: lessons from the past and future directions Fulltext PDF Fulltext HTML
Sebastian Benedikt Röhr, Harald Sauer, Sven Gottschling, Hashim Abdul-Khaliq, Ludwig Gortner, Holger Nunold, Stefan Gräber, Sascha Meyer (Author) Non-neurological, steroid-related adverse events in very low birth weight infants: a prospective audit Fulltext PDF Fulltext HTML
Kristina Keitel, Gabriel Alcoba, Laurence Lacroix, Sergio Manzano, Annick Galetto-Lacour, Alain Gervaix (Author) Observed costs and health care use of children in a prospective cohort study on community-acquired pneumonia in Geneva, Switzerland Fulltext PDF Fulltext HTML
Jürgen Barth, Regina Ahrens, Mireille Schaufelberger (Author) Consequences of insecurity in emergency telephone consultations: an experimental study in medical students Fulltext PDF Fulltext HTML
Catherine Heim, Francesca Bosisio, Audrey Roth, Jocelyne Bloch, Olivier Borens, Roy T Daniel, Alban Denys, Mauro Oddo, Mathieu Pasquier, Sabine Schmidt, Patrick Schoettker, Tobias Zingg, Jean-Blaise Wasserfallen (Author) Is trauma in Switzerland any different? Epidemiology and patterns of injury in major trauma – a 5-year review from a Swiss trauma centre Fulltext PDF Fulltext HTML
Jacques Besson, Thilo Beck, Gerhard A. Wiesbeck, Robert Hämmig, André Kuntz, Sami Abid, Rudolf Stohler (Author) Opioid maintenance therapy in Switzerland: an overview of the Swiss IMPROVE study Fulltext PDF Fulltext HTML
Caroline Schaer, Markus Schmugge, Bernhard Frey (Author) Prognostic value of nucleated red blood cells in critically ill children Fulltext PDF Fulltext HTML
Subhash C Arya, Nirmala Agarwal (Author) Comment on “Platelet transfusion: basic aspects” Fulltext PDF Fulltext HTML