Gross, Sebastian, Katharina Beck, Christoph Becker, Martina Gamp, Jonas Mueller, Nina Loretz, Simon A. Amacher, Chantal Bohren, Jens Gaab, Philipp Schuetz, Beat Mueller, Christoph A. Fux, Jörg D. Leuppi, Rainer Schaefert, Wolf Langewitz, Marten Trendelenburg, Tobias Breidthardt, Jens Eckstein, Michael Osthoff, Stefano Bassetti, and Sabina Hunziker. 2022. “Perception of Physicians and Nursing Staff Members Regarding Outside Versus Bedside Ward Rounds: Ancillary Analysis of the Randomised BEDSIDE-OUTSIDE Trial”. Swiss Medical Weekly 152 (0304):w30112.