Hernández, Jasmin, Suzana Jordan, Rucsandra Dobrota, Michele Iudici, Paul Hasler, Camillo Ribi, Peter Villiger, Panayiotis Vlachoyiannopoulos, Alessandra Vacca, Ludmila Garzanova, Alessandro Giollo, Edoardo Rosato, Ina Kötter, Patricia E. Carreira, Andrea Doria, Jörg Henes, Ulf Müller-Ladner, Vanessa Smith, Jörg Distler, Armando Gabrielli, Anna-Maria Hoffman-Vold, Ulrich Walker, Oliver Distler, and the EUSTAR collaborators. 2021. “The Burden of Systemic Sclerosis in Switzerland – the Swiss Systemic Sclerosis EUSTAR Cohort”. Swiss Medical Weekly 151 (2728):w20528. https://doi.org/10.4414/smw.2021.20528.