area under the curve
Level of Service Inventory-Revised
Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment
sexual recidivism risk assessment instrument
Violence Risk Appraisal Guide
Mental health and criminal justice professionals are often faced with the task of assessing the probability of future offences by an individual. These forensic risk assessments inform sentencing, treatment, and release decisions. There are more than 400 risk assessment instruments worldwide that support this process [1]. Their use is considered to be state of the art as these instruments are, on average, better at predicting criminal recidivism than clinical judgement alone [2–4].
Studies on the validity of risk assessment instruments focus on two aspects: discrimination and calibration. Discrimination is an instrument’s ability to differentiate between recidivists and non-recidivists. In forensic settings, discrimination is most commonly measured using the area under the curve (AUC) in receiver operating characteristic curve analysis [5]. The AUC is an overall measure of discrimination, constructed by plotting pairs of sensitivity (sensitivity, or the true positive rate, is the proportion of recidivists who were correctly assessed as “high risk”) and specificity (specificity, or the true negative rate, is the proportion of non-recidivists who were correctly assessed as “low risk”) across all possible cut-off values. AUC values range from 0 to 1, where 1 indicates perfect discrimination and values below 0.5 indicate poorer discrimination than chance. By contrast, calibration assesses whether the expected recidivism rates in the norm tables of the risk assessment instruments correspond to the actual (observed) recidivism rates [5].
Although not an exact equivalent to calibration, positive and negative predictive values provide a more practical indication of the utility of risk assessments than AUC values, as they focus on the prospective prediction of adverse outcomes [5]. The positive predictive value reflects the proportion of individuals assessed as “high risk” who reoffended, and the negative predictive value the proportion of individuals assessed as “low risk” who did not reoffend. Positive and negative predictive value depend not only on the risk assessment instrument’s discriminative ability but also on the base rate of the criterion. In forensic settings, base rates are typically the observed recidivism rates in a specific population over a defined period. A risk assessment instrument’s performance is best when the base rate is 50% [6, 7]. As the base rate decreases, the risk assessment instrument’s positive predictive value decreases and negative predictive value increases. In populations with very low base rates, the recidivism risk of individuals classified as high risk is over-estimated, whereas underestimation is more common in populations with very high base rates.
Base rates differ greatly depending on the offence and the characteristics of the sample [8, 9]. They also fluctuate over time and have shown a declining trend over the past decades [10–12].
Despite the clear implications for forensic practitioners and criminal justice decision-makers, the extent to which the predictive values of a risk assessment instrument vary according to current base rates has not yet been systematically explored. The present work intended to fill this gap. We aimed to:
We followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA 2020) statement to report the results of our study transparently and completely [13] (see appendix, supplementary material S1). A study protocol has not been prepared.
In accordance with PRISMA, we followed the PFO (population, prognostic factor, and outcome) framework to specify inclusion and exclusion criteria, as designed for prognostic studies. Our meta-analysis included instruments used to assess general, violent, sexual, and intimate partner violent recidivism risks to cover the broad range of forensic risk assessment instruments. For each of these offence types, we selected one risk assessment instrument that is widely used in forensic practice and provides expected recidivism rates, and whose validity has been replicated in several countries [14–17]. The following four risk assessment instruments were selected:
We specified eligibility criteria regarding the study design and measures of validity. For the systematic review, studies were eligible if they reported AUCs, including corresponding measures (i.e., 95% confidence interval [95% CI] and/or standard error [SE]); for the meta-analysis, studies were eligible if they reported true/false positives and true/false negatives, sensitivity and specificity, or positive and negative predictive value (the full list of inclusion and exclusion criteria is provided in the appendix, supplementary material S2). The objective of each study was to identify high-risk offenders by utilising the relevant risk assessment instrument.
We conducted a systematic search in PsycInfo (EBSCO interface; 1887 onwards) and PubMed (including MEDLINE, PMC, and Bookshelf; 1887 onwards). The search terms consisted of both the full name and acronym of each of the four risk assessment instruments combined with the terms “[accura* OR replicat* OR valid*]”. The full search strings are provided in appendix, supplementary material S3. We restricted the search to peer-reviewed articles and dissertations. We identified additional sources by screening the reference lists of studies included in this systematic review as well as those in earlier reviews and meta-analyses [9, 14, 17, 20, 22–31]. The last search was carried out on March 30, 2023.
We imported all identified records into EndNote [32], where duplicates were removed. Two reviewers (MW and an undergraduate student of psychology) screened all records (titles/abstracts) and reviewed the full text of the retrieved records to select eligible studies. Some studies were ineligible for inclusion for more than one reason. We describe the hierarchy of how we categorised reasons for the exclusion of full texts in appendix, supplementary material S4.
For each study, two independent reviewers (MW, NS, or MK) extracted data into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Disagreements were resolved by discussion between the reviewers, AR, and JE, as well as by re-examination of the report. Sample data that were used in more than one published article were only included once. When deciding between multiple articles, we favoured studies with a higher level of comparability to the construction sample, larger sample sizes, those published in peer-reviewed journals, and original research rather than re-analyses of previously collected data. We did not contact study investigators to obtain missing data.
For the outcome variable, we extracted base rates and data on measures of validity, including AUC values and their corresponding 95% CIs or standard errors; true positive, true negative, false positive, and false negative; sensitivity and specificity; and predictive values. Additionally, we extracted data on the study characteristics, including the authors, title, and geographic region (categorised into Australasia, Europe, North America, and mixed); sample characteristics, including the mean age, age range and standard deviation (SD), sample size, and type of index offence; and outcome characteristics, including the type of recidivism, legal status of recidivism, and length of follow-up (supplementary material S5 in the appendix).
Risk assessment instruments perform best under the conditions for which they were originally developed [9, 16, 33]. Therefore, we assessed the extent to which each study was comparable to the construction study in terms of offender age and sex, type of index offence, type and legal status of recidivism, and length of follow-up (supplementary material S6 in the appendix). We contacted the developers of each instrument to confirm whether we had correctly specified these comparators and made changes if needed. If a study did not provide enough information to assess comparability, we considered the respective characteristic as not met.
Some studies reported outcomes for subgroups and, therefore, had multiple extractable values. Based on pre-defined decision rules (supplementary material S7 in the appendix), we extracted only one value for each study variable.
As base rates are not stable over time, we did not rely solely on those reported in the construction samples. To identify current base rates reported in North America, Western Europe, and Australia for different offence categories, we searched for national statistics and peer-reviewed publications on recidivism rates (search strategy in appendix, supplementary material S8). We chose statistics with the highest relevance for forensic practice. The inclusion criteria for base rates were total cohort studies, adult offenders, fixed follow-up period, start of time at risk since 2000, and index and recidivism offences of the same type. Concerning the legal status of recidivism, we considered convictions for sexual and violent offences, and police records or charges for intimate partner violent offences. To account for different base rate scenarios, we chose the lowest and highest base rates identified.
To assess the risk of bias in the included studies, we applied the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Checklist for Diagnostic Test Accuracy Studies [34, 35]. The Joanna Briggs Institute checklist consists of 10 items that address study design, sampling, attrition, analytical procedure, and outcomes. The answer categories for each item are yes, no, unclear, and not applicable. Not all items of the Joanna Briggs Institute checklist were applicable to our included studies, because risk assessment instruments are not classic diagnostic tests. Eight items were applicable to the ODARA, Static-99R, and VRAG studies, and seven were applicable to the LSI-R studies. Even fewer Joanna Briggs Institute items were applicable for some individual studies due to logical interdependencies. We dummy-coded the answer categories as yes = 1 and no or unclear = 0. To assess the overall risk of bias, we first calculated the total number of items met for each study. Second, we divided this value by the number of items that were applicable to the study. Because the Joanna Briggs Institute checklist provides no scheme for evaluating studies as having a low or high risk of bias [34], we dichotomised the proportions of Joanna Briggs Institute items met as follows: If more than 50% of the applicable items were met, the study was classified as lower risk; otherwise, it was classified as higher risk. Two reviewers (of MW, NS, and MK) independently assessed the risk of bias for each included study. Disagreements were resolved by discussion and re-examination of the report.
We reported the characteristics of studies included in the systematic review and meta-analysis for each risk assessment instrument. We calculated the median, minimum, and maximum for sample size, age, length of follow-up, proportion of female offenders, and base rate. Furthermore, we summarised counts and percentages for geographic regions, type of index offence, type and legal status of recidivism, and studies with lower risk of bias.
For each risk assessment instrument, we calculated the median AUC and median lower and upper bounds of the 95% CIs. We also reported the smallest and largest AUC, including their corresponding 95% CIs. As an indicator of between-study differences in AUCs, we examined whether the 95% CIs of the smallest and largest AUCs overlapped. If the studies provided standard errors for the AUCs, we calculated 95% CIs with AUC ± 1.96 × standard error.
A meta-analysis of test accuracy studies requires 2 × 2 contingency tables. If they were not reported in the primary study, we calculated true positive, true negative, false positive, and false negative based on sample size (n), base rate (in %), sensitivity (true positive rate), and specificity (true negative rate) [36] (supplementary material S9 in the appendix).
Furthermore, between-study heterogeneity of sensitivities and specificities must be low, otherwise pooling these statistics would be misleading [36–38]. For each risk assessment instrument, we tested the equality of sensitivity and specificity with chi-squared tests, and computed correlations between the measures with rho. We conducted bivariate logit-normal random effects meta-analysis of sensitivity and false positive rate (1−specificity) for each risk assessment instrument. We analysed the models using linear mixed model techniques with restricted maximum likelihood estimation [40]. Bivariate models are more precise than alternative methods in estimating sensitivities and specificities [38], mainly because they consider (negative) correlations between the two [40].
Based on the results of the bivariate meta-analysis of sensitivity and false positive rate, we calculated the positive and negative predictive value for three different base rate scenarios (supplementary material S9). For each risk assessment instrument, we used the lowest and highest base rates identified in the search alongside the base rate reported for the construction sample.
Statistical analyses and graphing were conducted in R version 4.1.3 with the tidyverse, madan, and forestplot packages [36, 41, 42]. Data and code used for this study are available on the Open Science Framework (
After importing the search results into EndNote, 116 duplicates were removed. We screened 644 records, of which 543 were identified through scientific databases and 101 through reference lists. Overall, we reviewed 206 full texts (see figure 1).
Figure 1PRISMA 2020 Flow Diagram [13]. a Wrong instrument (k = 2); Instrument modified (k = 2); No base rate reported (k = 2); No index offence (k = 2); No sample size reported (k = 1). b Thereof k = 6 not included in the narrative review (area under the curve [AUC] reported without CI [confidence interval] / SE [standard error]). All records were retrievable.
Only 16 studies were comparable to the construction samples regarding offender age and sex, type of index offence, type and legal status of recidivism, and length of follow-up. Of these, six used the LSI-R, three the ODARA, six the Static-99R, and one the VRAG.
We included 102 studies (109 independent samples, n = 92,720), of which 96 (103 samples, n = 74,674) were included in the systematic review and 24 (24 samples, n = 23,398) were included in the meta-analyses. All studies included in the systematic review reported AUCs and corresponding 95% CIs or standard error as the measure of discrimination. The studies included in the meta-analysis were not an exact sub-sample of those included in the systematic review: Six studies did not report AUCs with corresponding 95% CIs or standard error, but rather sensitivity and specificity, and were therefore included in the meta-analysis. Full texts were most commonly excluded for having a non-diagnostic or non-prognostic study design (e.g., systematic review or meta-analysis), no reported measure of validity, or overlapping datasets (figure 1).
The largest number of studies eligible for the systematic review focused on the Static-99R, followed by the VRAG. The LSI-R and ODARA were used in the smallest number of eligible studies. Such differences in the number of eligible studies were not as pronounced for the meta-analysis (table 1). The sample sizes of the eligible studies had large variations (table 1).
The median age of participants in all eligible studies was between 35 and 40 years. Most studies included predominantly male participants and were conducted in North America or Europe. In most studies, the risk assessment instruments were used to assess offenders with an index offence and predict the types of recidivism for which the instrument was developed. The LSI-R and VRAG studies had substantial variations in types of index offences and recidivism (table 1).
The most frequently used category for the legal status of recidivism was “charge, conviction, or criminal record”, with two exceptions. In the meta-analysis, LSI-R studies used the category “arrest or incarceration” most frequently, and ODARA studies used the categories “charge, conviction, or criminal record” and “police report” equally often (table 1).
Table 1Characteristics of samples included in the systematic review and meta-analysis by risk assessment instrument.
Study characteristics | Systematic review (k = 103) | Meta-analysis (k = 24) | |||||||
LSI-R7 | Static-99R | ODARA | VRAG7, 8 | LSI-R | Static-99R | ODARA | VRAG | ||
Total number of samples | 16 | 39 | 14 | 34 | 5 | 7 | 5 | 7 | |
Median sample size count (min/max) | 240.5 (56/9454) | 399 (66/17,455) | 147.5 (30/589) | 126.5 (25/1353) | 516 (112/17,410) | 181 (100/650) | 145 (30/589) | 140 (52/495) | |
Countries, % (count) | Australasia1 | 0.0% (0) | 17.9% (7) | 7.1% (1) | – | 40.0% (2) | 14.3% (1) | 20.0% (1) | – |
Europe2 | 43.8% (7) | 15.4% (6) | 21.4% (3) | 50.0% (17) | 20.0% (1) | 42.9% (3) | 20.0% (1) | 100.0% (7) | |
North America3 | 56.2% (9) | 64.1% (25) | 71.4% (10) | 47.1% (16) | 40.0% (2) | 42.9% (3) | 60.0% (3) | – | |
Mixed4 | – | 2.6% (1) | – | – | – | – | – | – | |
Median age in years (min/max) | 35 (27.7/39.5) | 40.7 (23.5/55.8) | 36.2 (28.6/40.5) | 33.4 (24.7/41.2) | 34.5 (17/35.6) | 39.4 (37.5/47.2) | 37.7 (32.2/40.5) | 35.4 (32/42) | |
Median % females (min/max) | 1.4 (0/100) | – | 0 (0/100) | 0 (0/100) | 0 (0/50) | – | – | 0 (0/10) | |
Type of index offence, % (count) | Intimate partner violence | – | – | 0.0% (0) | – | – | – | 0.0% (0) | – |
Violence (excl. sexual) | 12.5% (2) | – | – | 38.2% (13) | – | – | – | 28.6% (2) | |
Violence (incl. sexual) | 6.2% (1) | 0.0% (0) | – | 11.8% (4) | – | 0.0% (0) | – | 0.0% (0) | |
General | 18.8% (3) | – | – | 17.6% (6) | 0.0% (0) | – | – | 28.6% (2) | |
Type of recidivism, % (count) | Intimate partner violence | – | – | 0.0% (0) | – | – | – | 0.0% (0) | – |
Violence (excl. sexual) | 6.2% (1) | – | 0.0% (0) | 23.5% (8) | – | – | 0.0% (0) | 57.1% (4) | |
Violence (incl. sexual) | 0.0% (0) | 0.0% (0) | – | 0.0% (0) | – | 0.0% (0) | – | 0.0% (0) | |
General | 18.8% (3) | 0.0% (0) | – | 73.5% (25) | 0.0% (0) | – | – | – | |
Legal status recidivism, % (count) | Arrest or incarceration | 18.8% (3) | 30.8% (12) | 0.0% (0) | 2.9% (1) | 60.0% (3) | 14.3% (1) | 20.0% (1) | – |
Charge, conviction, or criminal record | 68.8% (11) | 56.4% (22) | 57.1% (8) | 70.6% (24) | 20.0% (1) | 71.4% (5) | 40.0% (2) | 71.4% (5) | |
Police report | 6.2% (1) | – | 28.6% (4) | 2.9% (1) | – | – | 40.0% (2) | – | |
Other | 6.2% (1) | 12.8% (5) | 14.3% (2) | 20.6% (7) | – | 14.3% (1) | – | 28.6% (2) | |
Median length follow-up in years (min/max) | 2 (0/19.7) | 5 (0.1/16.4) | 4.7 (0/11.6) | 4.7 (0/49) | 2 (0.5/5) | 5 (0.2/16.4) | 2.1 (0/11.6) | 6 (0/10) | |
Median base rate in months (min/max) | 38 (9/77) | 8.5 (1.9/24.7) | 23.1 (11.5/44) | 27.5 (4.7/80) | 23 (9.8/58) | 9.9 (4/21) | 20 (11.5/50) | 18 (4.7/32.8) | |
Comparable contextual factors, % (count)5 | 25.0% (4) | 15.4% (6) | 21.4% (3) | – | 60.0% (3) | 28.6% (2) | – | – | |
Joanna Briggs Institute assessment: lower risk of bias6, % (count) | 87.5% (14) | 43.6% (17) | 50.0% (7) | 41.2% (14) | 100.0% (5) | 71.4% (5) | 40.0% (2) | 71.4% (5) |
k: independent samples; LSI-R: Level of Service Inventory-Revised; ODARA: Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment; Static-99R: sexual recidivism risk assessment instrument; VRAG: Violence Risk Appraisal Guide;
1 Australia, China, New Zealand, Singapore, and South Korea;
2 Austria, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK;
3 Canada and the USA;
4 Study population from more than one world region;
5 Full comparability regarding offender age and sex, type of index offence, type and legal status of recidivism, and length of follow-up (cf. appendix, supplementary material S6);
6 Joanna Briggs Institute checklist for diagnostic test accuracy studies, with lower risk of bias indicating an above median assessment score;
7 One LSI-R and four VRAG studies did not provide information on the type of index offence;
8 One VRAG study did not provide information on the legal status of recidivism.
The median follow-up periods were largely comparable between instruments. The exceptions were LSI-R studies included in both the systematic review and meta-analysis and ODARA studies included in the meta-analysis, which reported shorter follow-up periods (table 1).
Evidence of the risk of bias assessed with the Joanna Briggs Institute checklist was mixed. For the systematic review, only half or less than half of the studies on the Static-99R, ODARA, or VRAG had a lower risk of bias. For the meta-analysis, two out of five studies on the ODARA had a lower risk of bias (table 1).
The 95% CIs of the median, smallest, and largest AUCs overlapped for the VRAG, ODARA, and LSI-R; thus, large between-study differences in AUCs were not present for these risk assessment instruments. However, for the Static-99R, the 95% CIs of the smallest and largest AUCs did not overlap, indicating between-study differences in these AUCs (figure 2 and table S1 in the appendix).
Figure 2Median, smallest, and largest areas under the curve (AUC) of the four risk assessment instruments (including their corresponding 95% confidence intervals [CI]). Median corresponds to the calculated median AUC for each risk assessment instrument. Smallest corresponds to the smallest AUC of each risk assessment instrument found in our systematic review, and largest corresponds to the largest AUC found. LSI-R: Level of Service Inventory-Revised; ODARA: Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment; Static-99R: sexual recidivism risk assessment instrument; VRAG: Violence Risk Appraisal Guide.
For the LSI-R, the study reporting the smallest AUC (AUC = 0.480, 95% CI = 0.343–0.617) was conducted in Germany and had a sample size of 85 individuals with a migration background, who had been convicted of violent index and recidivism offences and were followed for a fixed period of 2 years [43]. The study reporting the largest AUC (AUC = 0.770, 95% CI = 0.620–0.910) was conducted in the USA and had a sample size of 56 individuals who had committed violent or sexual index offences, were charged with a range of different recidivism offences, and were followed for a fixed period of 1 year [44].
For the Static-99R, the study reporting the smallest AUC (AUC = 0.550, 95% CI = 0.450–0.650) was conducted in Canada and had a sample size of 399 individuals, who had committed sexual index and recidivism offences and were followed for an average of 2.4 years [45]. The study reporting the largest AUC (AUC = 0.824, 95% CI = 0.608–0.742) was conducted in the USA and had a sample size of 338 individuals who had committed a sexual index offence, were charged with a sexual recidivism offence, and were followed for a fixed period of 5 years [46].
For the ODARA, the study reporting the smallest AUC (AUC = 0.629, 95% CI = 0.477–0.781) was conducted in Canada and had a sample size of 97 individuals who had committed an intimate partner violent index offence, were charged with a violent recidivism offence, and were followed for a fixed period of 2 years [47]. The study reporting the largest AUC (AUC = 0.780, 95% CI = 0.620–0.940) was conducted in Switzerland and had a sample size of 30 individuals who had committed an intimate partner violent index offence, were charged or convicted with a violent recidivism offence, and were followed for an average of 8 years [48].
For the VRAG, the study reporting the smallest AUC (AUC = 0.570, 95% CI = 0.390–0.740) was conducted in Belgium and had a sample size of 191 individuals who had committed various types of index offences but were convicted of violent or sexual recidivism offences, were in psychiatric care after the index offence and were followed for an average of 2.44 years [49]. The study reporting the largest AUC (AUC = 0.870, 95% CI = 0.740–1.000) was conducted in the UK and had a sample size of 25 individuals who had committed a general index offence and a violent recidivism offence in the institution in which they were incarcerated, and were followed for an average of 6 months [50].
Descriptive summary statistics showed that the sensitivities and false positive rates were sufficiently equal for all risk assessment instruments. Correlations of sensitivities and false positive rates were rho = 0.520 (95% CI = −0.669–0.961) for the LSI-R, rho = 0.922 (95% CI = 0.213–0.995) for the ODARA, rho = 0.730 (95% CI = −0.051–0.957) for the Static-99R, and rho = 0.811 (95% CI = 0.148–0.971) for the VRAG.
We estimated the largest summary sensitivity and false positive rate for studies concerning the ODARA, followed by studies on the LSI-R and VRAG; the smallest sensitivity for studies on the Static-99R (table 2). The Static-99R correctly identified one in two, both the VRAG and the LSI-R three in five, and the ODARA four in five recidivists as being at high risk of recidivism. Conversely, three in five non-recidivists were correctly identified as being at low risk of recidivism by the ODARA, more than one in two by the LSI-R, seven in ten by the VRAG, and more than four in five by the Static-99R.
Table 2Summary estimates of sensitivities and false positive rates.
Risk assessment instrument | Sensitivity (95% CI) | False positive rate (95% CI) |
Level of Service Inventory-Revised (LSI-R) (k = 5) | 0.641 (0.598, 0.681) | 0.431 (0.365, 0.499) |
Static-99R (sexual recidivism risk assessment instrument) (k = 7) | 0.464 (0.256, 0.686) | 0.138 (0.034, 0.420) |
Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA) (k = 5) | 0.815 (0.561, 0.938) | 0.394 (0.215, 0.606) |
Violence Risk Appraisal Guide (VRAG) (k = 7) | 0.618 (0.460, 0.755) | 0.302 (0.216, 0.404) |
k: independent samples.
The current reconviction rates for violent recidivism ranged from 13% to 21%. The lowest rate was reported in Austria, for a fixed follow-up period of 4 years and for offenders who were convicted or released in 2017; the highest was reported in Germany, for a fixed follow-up period of 6 years and for offenders who were convicted or released in 2004. Both rates were based on national statistics with large sample sizes and included offenders with different types of violent index offences (table S2 in the appendix). The base rate reported in the VRAG construction sample (31%) was higher than current base rates; however, the VRAG construction sample also showed a time of initial conviction or release many decades earlier than the samples for the current base rates, and included Canadian prisoners and psychiatric inpatients [51]. The construction sample therefore differs from the current samples in terms of geographic region and psychiatric history, as the current base rates are taken from German-speaking countries among general offender cohorts.
The current reconviction rates for sexual recidivism ranged from 2% to 13%. The lowest rate was reported in Germany for a fixed follow-up period of 3 years, based on a national statistic that included offenders with sexual abuse as the index and recidivism offences, who were convicted or released in 2004. The highest rate was reported in Australia for offenders with mental disorders and a high recidivism risk at baseline, who had been treated in a statutory agency between 1987 and 2011 and followed for a fixed period of 5 years (table S3 in the appendix). The base rate reported in the Static-99R construction sample (11%) [20] was comparable to the highest currently reported base rate. The construction sample differed from the current sample in the following ways: the base rate was based on a meta-analysis of 24 samples from Anglo-Saxon and European countries, whereas the current samples were restricted to individual studies based on total offender cohorts; and the range of release dates was larger and dated back considerably longer (1957–2007; see table S3 in the appendix).
Current police-registered intimate partner violent recidivism over a fixed 1-year follow-up period differed between countries. The lowest rate was reported in Germany (13%), and the highest was reported in Australia (46%) (table S4 in the appendix). Both rates were based on total cohorts. The base rate reported in the ODARA construction sample (30%) [21] lies between the lowest and highest current base rates.
Table 3Positive and negative predictive values based on summary sensitivity and false positive rates for the three base rate scenarios.
Risk assessment instrument | Positive predictive value | Negative predictive value | ||||
Construction sample (95% CI) | Low (95% CI) | High (95% CI) | Construction sample (95% CI) | Low (95% CI) | High (95% CI) | |
Level of Service Inventory-Revised (LSI-R) (k = 5) | 0.508 (0.487, 0.532) | 0.355 (0.335, 0.377) | 0.626 (0.606, 0.649) | 0.694 (0.693–0.694) | 0.810 (0.809, 0.810) | 0.583 (0.582–0.583) |
Static-99R (sexual recidivism risk assessment instrument) (k = 7) | 0.294 (0.168, 0.482) | 0.064 (0.032, 0.133) | 0.334 (0.196, 0.529) | 0.929 (0.913, 0.937) | 0.987 (0.985, 0.989) | 0.915 (0.897, 0.925) |
Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA) (k = 5) | 0.470 (0.399, 0.528) | 0.236 (0.188, 0.281) | 0.638 (0.569, 0.690) | 0.884 (0.807, 0.937) | 0.933 (0.884, 0.964) | 0.794 (0.677, 0.925) |
Violence Risk Appraisal Guide (VRAG) (k = 7) | 0.479 (0.456, 0.489) | 0.234 (0.218, 0.241) | 0.352 (0.332, 0.361) | 0.803 (0.764, 0.844) | 0.924 (0.907, 0.942) | 0.873 (0.845, 0.901) |
k: independent samples.
The base rates used for modelling were for general recidivism 0.27 (low), 0.41 (base rate based on the LSI-R construction sample), and 0.53 (high); for sexual recidivism 0.02 (low), 0.11 (base rate based on Static-99R construction sample), and 0.13 (high); for intimate partner violent recidivism 0.13 (low), 0.3 (base rate based on ODARA construction sample), and 0.46 (high); for violent recidivism 0.13 (low), 0.31 (base rate based on VRAG construction sample), and 0.21 (high). The specified cut-off values were as follows: For the LSI-R = 19, 23, and 28 (k = 1 each; k = 2 missing values); for the Static-99R 4 (k = 4) and 6 (k = 1; with k = 2 missing values); for the ODARA = 4 (k = 2), 6 (k = 1), and 7 (k = 2); and for the VRAG 7 and 14 (k = 2 each, with k = 3 missing values).
The current reconviction rates for general offences over a fixed follow-up period of three years ranged from 27% to 53% (table S5 in the appendix). The lowest was reported in Austria and the highest in the Netherlands. Both rates were based on total cohorts. The base rate reported in the LSI-R construction sample (41%) was in between the highest and lowest current base rates [18].
Base rates varied by length of follow-up, study population, country, and type of recidivism. For example, in the culturally comparable countries of Austria and Germany, the base rates of violent recidivism were higher when the follow-up period was longer. Compared with a national sample of offenders with all types of sexual index offences in Germany, base rates were higher when assessing offenders with mental disorders in Australia. Base rates were generally lower for sexual recidivism compared to other types of recidivism. For intimate partner violent, the country in which the study was conducted seemed to affect the base rate. Despite comparable follow-up periods, study designs, and legal recidivism statuses, the base rate in an Australian sample was higher than that in a German sample (tables S2–S5 in the appendix).
Across risk assessment instruments and base rate scenarios, positive predictive values varied between 6% and 64%. In the low-base rate scenario, the ODARA and LSI-R demonstrated the highest positive predictive values, with comparable values, while the VRAG showed a slightly lower positive predictive value. The Static-99R had the lowest. In the high-base rate scenario, the LSI-R and ODARA exhibited the highest positive predictive values, with comparable values, while the Static-99R and VRAG showed lower, comparable positive predictive values. Negative predictive values were relatively high and comparable across risk assessment instrument and base rate scenarios, with one exception (table 3). In the high-base rate scenario, the negative predictive value of the LSI-R was lower than that of the other risk assessment instruments.
A minority of individuals identified as high risk for recidivism re-offended. The summary sensitivity, false positive rate, and current base rates were highest for both general and intimate partner violent recidivism. Specifically, between three and seven out of ten individuals identified as high risk by the ODARA had a subsequent police registration for another intimate partner violent offence. A comparable proportion of individuals identified as high risk by the LSI-R were reconvicted within a three-year period. Summary sensitivity, false positive rates, and current base rates were lowest for sexual recidivism, with between 2 in 30 and 3 in 10 individuals identified as high risk being reconvicted for a sexual offence. For violent recidivism, summary sensitivity, false positive rate, and current base rates fell between those observed for general, intimate partner violent, and sexual recidivism, with 2 to 3 in 10 high-risk individuals being reconvicted for a violent offence (table 3).
Since positive predictive values are influenced by base rates, as well as by sensitivity and specificity (1−false positive rate), they also vary based on follow-up length, study population, country, and the sensitivity/specificity of the risk assessment instruments. Therefore, low base rates and low sensitivity resulted in low positive predictive values (as seen in sexual recidivism), while higher base rates and higher sensitivity led to higher positive predictive values (as observed in general and intimate partner violent recidivism).
In the current study, we examined the predictive validity of four commonly used risk assessment instruments that were developed for different offender populations. We modelled positive and negative predictive value based on a systematic review and meta-analysis of different aspects of the instruments’ discrimination combined with current base rates.
Our study had four main findings. First, we found that the majority of the identified validation studies did not report the necessary information for assessing validity beyond the area under the curve (AUC). This finding is in line with prior research [16, 52, 53]. Consequently, many studies could only be included in the systematic review and were excluded from the meta-analysis.
Second, the median AUCs of all four risk assessment instruments showed moderate discrimination (0.68–0.71), corresponding to a medium effect size [54]. These findings are consistent with previous research [14, 26, 28, 30]. However, AUCs alone have limited practical utility as they do not inherently include any statement on the prospective prediction of adverse outcomes. As Harris and Rice [55, p. 1638] have pointed out, “receiver operating characteristic statistics are independent of base rates, but optimal decisions are not”.
Third, while sensitivity varied by instrument, it was rather high. The meta-analysis of sensitivity and false positive rates revealed a high proportion of recidivists identified by the Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA) and a high proportion of non-recidivists identified by the Static-99R (sexual recidivism risk assessment instrument). This pattern can be partly explained by the ODARA’s development as a screening instrument to be used by frontline workers, thus aiming to maximise sensitivity. However, a high sensitivity does not correspond to a high probability that an individual who scores highly on the instrument will actually re-offend.
Fourth, the results of the meta-analysis of sensitivity and false positive rates showed low positive predictive values, especially for low-base rate scenarios and offence categories with low base rates, as was the case for sexual recidivism. However, there were large variations in base rates between scenarios, leading to a wide range of positive predictive values. Regarding violent recidivism, the base rate reported in the Violence Risk Appraisal Guide (VRAG) construction sample was higher than the maximum currently reported base rate, leading to an overestimation of recidivism risk. This difference in base rates may be explained by the decline in recidivism rates observed over the past decades. Overall, at low base rates, high risk assessment instrument scores do not necessarily indicate a high risk of recidivism, whereas low scores may well indicate a low risk of recidivism.
Base rates are an important anchor for forensic risk assessment but must be properly collected and reported. Fazel, Wolf, and Yukhnenko [56] developed a standardised reporting checklist for this purpose.
In health research, the reporting standards of diagnostic accuracy studies require 2 × 2 contingency tables of the results of the index test and reference standard [57]. The standards further recommend providing details on how these estimates were derived and how they should be interpreted [58]. Equivalent standards should be applied to studies examining the validity of risk assessment instruments and should include reporting of the AUC with corresponding measures (such as 95% CIs) for comparisons between samples, 2 × 2 contingency tables with the results of the risk assessment instrument and actual recidivism, including the cut-off scores, and base rates to enable the calculation of positive and negative predictive value [5, 59, 60].
Risk assessments often form the basis for criminal court decisions on sentence severity, including court-mandated treatments aimed at reducing the recidivism risk. However, both mock jurors and professional judges tend to overestimate risk, even when specific recidivism rates are provided [61, 62]. As low base rates will lead to low positive predictive values, there is a considerable threat of overestimating recidivism risk, which can have considerable negative consequences for the individuals being assessed. This may, for example, lead to a negative release decision [52]. Conversely, high negative predictive values indicate that a large proportion of individuals assessed as low risk do not re-offend [63]. Therefore, risk assessment instrument results can be particularly useful in identifying low-risk offenders and excluding them from further assessment [53, 64]. However, interpretation of expected recidivism rates is not recommended given the poor calibration across different populations and settings. The result of a risk assessment instrument can only be interpreted in relation to a reference group of offenders by using percentiles or categorisation of relative risk levels, such as below average, average, or above average [17, 65].
Given the far-fetching consequences of the results of risk assessment instruments [52], forensic experts must appropriately communicate recidivism risk in court [66]. The interpretation and communication of the results of risk assessment instruments should be based on information regarding practically useful performance indices, as it is provided by positive and negative predictive values [52, 60, 63, 67, 68].
Several limitations of this study are worth mentioning. First, the Level of Service Inventory-Revised (LSI-R), VRAG, Static-99R, and ODARA are only a representative selection of established risk assessment instruments. Although it seems reasonable to assume that other instruments would produce similar results [68], future research should extend the current findings to other risk assessment instruments.
Second, the study findings have limited generalisability. Most of the included studies were conducted in North America and Western Europe. Due to a lack of information provided in the original studies on measures of validity, we could only include a small proportion of the identified studies in the meta-analysis. Furthermore, we did not contact the authors of the studies to obtain missing information. Future research should use structured reporting checklists such as STARD 2015 [57] to ensure complete reporting.
Third, identifying current base rates for modelling positive and negative predictive values proved to be challenging. For many countries, no information was available. Comparing countries is difficult for several reasons, including variations in their legal systems [69–72]. Moreover, base rates are not stable over time, across countries, or between offence categories. Therefore, future research should update the present meta-analysis. In addition, base rates are affected by interventions aimed at reducing recidivism [11, 69] and an ageing prison population, which poses a fairly low recidivism risk [73]. Further declines in base rates [10, 11] could exacerbate the implications of low positive predictive values, leading to an overestimation of recidivism risk.
Fourth, sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value depend on the chosen cut-off. All studies included in the meta-analysis selected a clinically meaningful cut-off to identify high-risk offenders. It is important to note, however, that a major limitation of this study is that not all studies reported underlying cut-offs; even when reported, the cut-offs differed between studies even for the same instrument, possibly due to differing sample characteristics. Thus, it would be useful if future research on the validity of risk assessment instruments reported the 2 × 2 contingency table of not only a single cut-off, but also other possible and reasonable cut-offs [67]. This would make findings more comparable and allow clinicians and criminal justice decision-makers to choose between different cut-offs depending on the purpose of the risk assessment (i.e., maximising positive or negative predictive value).
Fifth, up to half of the primary studies had a higher risk of bias, which indicates that the reporting standards of studies investigating the accuracy of risk assessment instruments might be questionable. The cut-off we chose for a study to be of lower or higher risk was somewhat flexible and based on a reasoned, though not rigid, criterion. If a stricter cut-off were chosen, even more studies would have been classed as being of higher risk of bias.
In the present study, we modelled positive and negative predictive value for four commonly used risk assessment instruments. Collecting internationally comparable base rates proved challenging, and we showed that primary studies on risk assessment instruments lack clinically relevant measures of validity. Current base rates tend to be lower than the base rates in the construction samples of the risk assessment instruments, leading to low positive predictive values. Relying on the AUC alone as a measure of discrimination can lead to an overestimation of recidivism risk, resulting in negative consequences for assessed individuals. Risk communication based on the results of a risk assessment instrument must refer to the positive predictive value as a clinically relevant measure for the prospective prediction, and address its implications for the specific case. Due to the dynamic nature of base rates, expected recidivism rates should be interpreted with caution; percentile ranking should be the primary method of interpretation of risk assessment instruments.
All data underlying the present research is secondary data. Data and code used for this study are available on the Open Science Framework (
The authors thank the developers of the included risk assessment instruments, Dr James Bonta, Dr R. Karl Hanson, Dr N. Zoe Hilton, and Dr Vernon Quinsey, for information regarding the proper use of their instruments, and Dr Bonta for critical feedback on the study rationale. The authors thank Ulrike Günther for her support in testing and refining the search strategy as well as the data extraction sheet, and Marcel Thoma for his help in screening the search results. We also thank Dr Leonel C. Gonçalves and Dr Stéphanie Baggio for contributing to the conceptualisation of the study.
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency.
All authors have completed and submitted the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors form for disclosure of potential conflicts of interest. AR and JE contributed to the authorised German translations of the Violence Risk Appraisal Guide (VRAG) and the Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA). They do not gain any financial benefits from these instruments. No other potential conflict of interest related to the content of this manuscript was disclosed.
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