Swiss Delphi study on iron deficiency


Albina Nowakab, Anne Angelillo-Scherrerc, Daniel Betticherd, Michael Dickenmanne, Idris Guessousf, Pascal Juilleratg, Wolfgang Korteh, Stefan Neuner-Jehlei, Otmar Pfisterj, Daniel Surbekk, Edouard Battegayl, Johann Steurerm

aDepartment of Endocrinology and Clinical Nutrition, University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland

bDepartment of Internal Medicine, Psychiatry University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland

cDepartment of Haematology and Central Haematology Laboratory, Bern University Hospital, Inselspital, University of Bern, Switzerland

dClinics of Medical Oncology, HFR Fribourg Cantonal Hospital, Switzerland

eClinic for Transplantation Immunology and Nephrology, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland

fDivision of Primary Care Medicine, Department of Primary Care Medicine, Geneva University Hospitals, Switzerland

gDepartment of Gastroenterology, Clinic for Visceral Surgery and Medicine, Bern University Hospital, Switzerland

hCentre for Laboratory Medicine, and Haemostasis and Haemophilia Centre, St Gallen, Switzerland

iInstitute of Primary Care, University and University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland

jDivision of Cardiology, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland

kDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Bern University Hospital, University of Bern, Switzerland

lDepartment and Outpatient Clinic for Internal Medicine, University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland

mHorten Centre for Patient Oriented Research and Knowledge Transfer, University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland



Iron deficiency (ID) and iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) are important conditions affecting a large proportion of the general population, causing the patients physical and psychosomatic symptoms, particularly fatigue, and significantly affecting their quality of life. General practitioners (GPs) are frequently consulted with nonspecific symptoms due to the ID. However, little evidence is available to guide iron treatment. The aim of the Swiss Delphi study was to generate a broad consensual Swiss expert opinion in various therapeutic areas on diagnosis and treatment of ID/IDA and their practical implications.


Specific statements regarding clinical relevance, practical diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, and treatment were evaluated by Swiss experts in various therapeutic areas using the Delphi method. “Consensus” was defined as ≥80% agreement; the agreement of 50–79% was defined as “critical”, of <50% as “disagreement”.


Consensus was reached for most statements. In patients without systemic inflammation, the threshold of 30 μg/l provide a good accuracy for the diagnosis of ID without anaemia. Ferritin levels within the range 30–50 μg/l with TSAT <20% can indicate ID without anaemia. Iron replacement therapy is accepted for treatment, not only of IDA, but also of symptomatic ID without anaemia. GPs play a central role in diagnosis and management of ID.


This consensus study provides potential therapeutic strategies for management of iron deficiency and is based on opinions of a high number of contributing specialists, providing their views from a wide range of clinical perspectives.


Iron deficiency (ID) and iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) are important and prevalent conditions worldwide [1, 2]. ID is the single frequent micronutrient deficiency in adults in industrialised countries with the prevalence of up to 5% [1, 3]. ID and IDA predict mortality [4] and are associated with approximately 800,000 deaths per year [5].

Women of childbearing age are particularly at risk for ID, as a result of monthly blood loss, pregnancy and delivery [6]. Moreover, many other conditions occur with ID with or without anaemia as a major co-morbidity or consequence, among them chronic heart failure [7, 8], chronic kidney disease [9], cancer [10], inflammatory bowel diseases [11, 12], and other chronic gastrointestinal and liver disorders [6, 13]. ID has been associated with fatigue and decreased functional capacity [14, 15], loss of productivity [16], impaired quality of life [8]. ID treatment leads to improvement of fatigue [14, 15], and increases in endurance and well-being [17, 18].

General practitioners (GPs) are often confronted with the broad variety of signs and symptoms of ID and/or its underlying illnesses [3], and are therefore primarily in charge of its detection and diagnosis. However, the rather nonspecific signs and symptoms of ID/IDA also occurr in other conditions, which tends to make its differential diagnosis difficult [6].

Existing guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of ID/IDA are mainly developed for specific therapeutic areas and do not always provide practical recommendations for GPs. Furthermore, there is a paucity regarding the treatment of ID in the absence of anaemia in otherwise healthy patients.

Finally, GPs tend to refer to the analysis sheets they receive from their trusted laboratory for diagnostic laboratory results, on which the serum ferritin ranges (the main diagnostic parameter for ID), which are given as reference values, are rather wide. Ferritin is a variable measurement because of its active-phase character (e.g., falsely elevated values in presence of inflammation), its value is thus sometimes difficult to interpret and may not reflect the true iron status in the body [6]. As a consequence, patients suffering from ID may be missed and left untreated or can be over-treated. Hence, indiscriminate use of iron replacement therapy and other supplements has been reported [19, 20].

Therapeutic decisions can be challenging owing to lack of or conflicting [21, 22] evidence from clinical trials.

To reduce such uncertainties and potential misuse of iron replacement therapy, consensus methods have been developed to seek the opinion of a group of experts in order to obtain an agreement on debated topics and to support the decision-making process. The Delphi study technique is such a method, which was developed to find the collective expert opinion on a question without a clear answer in an anonymous and structured manner. The Delphi study technique has been shown to be an appropriate method to elicit consensus among a large number of participating experts without the need for their face-to-face contact, to avoid bias [23–25].

In this study, we report the results of a Swiss Delphi consensus panel of experts in various therapeutic areas, organised to answer the debated questions regarding (a) the clinical relevance, (b) the practical diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, and (c) the treatment lead (if the specialist or GP should be responsible for the iron replacement).


The Swiss Delphi study on iron deficiency aimed to elaborate practical recommendations on the diagnosis and the treatment of ID and IDA. The Delphi methodology was used to elaborate consensus-based recommendations. The medical professional’s views were evaluated through questions regarding ID/IDA diagnosis and management.

Selection and formulation of statements

Selection of statements

The statements were selected and formulated by the experts of the different therapeutic areas (cardiologists, nephrologists, gastroenterologists, gynaecologists, oncologists, and internists) in the first Delphi round and then discussed and, if necessary, reformulated and re-evaluated. For each therapeutic area, the choice of a particular publication as a source for a statement was based on a hierarchical approach as outlined in table 1.

Table 1 Choice of sources for the statements of the Swiss Delphi study: hierarchical approach (in order of decreasing suitability).

1. Most recent guidelines elaborated by the Swiss society of the respective therapeutic area
2. Most recent guidelines elaborated by the European society of the respective therapeutic area
3. Most recent guidelines elaborated by the international society of the respective therapeutic area
4. Most recent guidelines elaborated by the (a) American or (b) other national Societies of the respective therapeutic area
5. Expert opinion elaborated by Swiss Experts
6. Most recent randomised controlled trial by Swiss investigators and / or with an iron preparation approved in Switzerland in the respective therapeutic area
7. Most recent meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials in the respective therapeutic area
8. Most recent randomised controlled in the respective therapeutic area
9. Expert opinion elaborated by international experts in the respective therapeutic area

Choice of sources for the statements

As the aim of the project was to elaborate a geographically based consensus, the geographical approach from a local (Swiss) to the international level was used with the assumption that local guidelines and expert opinions adapt the existing internationally recognised diagnostic and treatment modalities according to local needs and the characteristics of the local population. The top-down principle assumed that a guideline presents a higher evidence level than an expert opinion – points 1–5 in table 1. A Swiss expert opinion was assumed to be more suitable for the generation of a statement for Swiss physicians than a single Swiss clinical trial, especially if the expert opinion was based on one or more clinical trials – points 5 and 6 in table 1. Finally, a meta-analysis presents a higher level of evidence than a single clinical trial and an expert opinion, both of which is deemed to present a lower level of evidence: points 7–9 in table 1.

Literature search

The literature search was performed in March 2017. The keywords “guideline”, “iron deficiency” and “anemia” were used for each therapeutic area. Additionally, specific keywords were used for the respective therapeutic area: “chronic heart failure” in cardiology; “chronic kidney disease” and “chronic renal disease” in nephrology; “inflammatory bowel disease” in gastroenterology; “gynecology”, “women in childbearing age”, “pregnancy” and “postpartum” in gynaecology; “cancer” and “oncology” in oncology; “geriatric” and “elderly” in internal medicine.

The selected articles had to cover the aspects of (a) clinical consequences of iron deficiency according to the goals of the current project and (b) the clinical research or expert opinions on ID published by Swiss experts in various therapeutic areas. The literature research was been performed in:

  1. Journals of (in order of precedence) Swiss, European, or international societies of the respective therapeutic area;
  2. Internet sites of (in order of precedence) Swiss, European, or international societies of the respective therapeutic area;
  3. PubMed;
  4. Internet platforms on the topic of ID supported by Swiss experts.

All publications, which resulted from the literature search, and the statements, which resulted from the selected publications, were thoroughly reviewed, discussed and approved by the members of the Steering Committee and the Expert Board, who were responsible for ensuring the choice of the most relevant source.

Formulation of statements

The statements were formulated according to the following principles:

  1. The source of the highest level (table1) was considered as basis for initial statement formulation.
  2. If a guideline did not specify the diagnostic and/or therapeutic approach, but referred to a clinical trial, the diagnostic or therapeutic approach in this trial was considered as the basis for statement formulation. In this case, the study with the highest level of evidence was considered as most relevant and first-line basis for initial claim formulation.
  3. If a guideline did not specify the clinical relevance of ID and/or IDA in the respective therapeutic area, the results of the most recent (in order of preference) Swiss, European, American, or other study has been considered as the most relevant and first-line basis for initial statement formulation;
  4. If a guideline or an expert opinion did not specify the treatment lead ( the specialty of the physician who should manage the patient), the initial statement has been formulated as a recommendation for a consultation with a specialist in the respective therapeutic area.

The sources of statements are summarised in a supplementary list of references of statements (appendix 1). The questions were formulated to match as closely as possible the respective source from literature. The formulation of the questions was furthermore thoroughly revised and adapted by experts in order to correspond to the medical language used in Switzerland. The German and French translations of the questions were tested in a specific round. Thus, a good match of the questions with the respective literature sources and also a good understanding of their sense by Swiss physicians were ensured.

Recruitment of the expert panel

Selection of panel members

To be considered an expert within the respective therapeutic area, each panellist had to fulfil the following criteria:

  1. Approved by the Swiss Medical Association (FMH) as medical specialist within the respective discipline;
  2. More than 40% of their working time devoted to patient care;
  3. At least five years of professional experience (in the respective discipline);
  4. Involved, depending on the specialist area, in the treatment of a minimum of five patients suffering from iron deficiency per year. This minimum number of five ID patients was calculated as follows:
    1. the estimated prevalence of ID/IDA in Switzerland (~10% of Swiss population),
    2. the number of Swiss residents (~8400000),
    3. the number of Swiss physicians (~36000) and
    4. the estimation that 20% of patients with ID/IDA visit a physician during 1 year.

Distributing all these patients among all existing physicians results in 4.6 patients with ID/IDA pro physician. Thus, the number of five patients seemed reasonable as a criterion determining practical experience in ID/IDA for a Swiss physician.

The potential panel members were recruited after their institution had been selected, as described below. The head physician of each institution in the respective therapeutic area or the leading private practice clinician was contacted by email or phone, informed about the study purposes and asked to participate in the study. We did so because the head physicians of the hospitals and leading private practice clinicians have years of experience and, as a result, their clinical opinions are held in high esteem and, on occasions, direct the practice of diagnosis and treatment [26]. If the physicians upon contact did not meet the recruitment criteria or were not willing to participate, they were asked to recommend an alternative physician within the same institution.

Participants were recruited over the course of 17 weeks in February to June 2017. They received written information about the project and instructions on how to fill out the questionnaire.

Selection of medical institutions

In the Swiss nationwide medical registry all medical institutions are listed by location. This registry was used to recruit physicians for each therapeutic area working in (a) public and/or university hospitals, (b) private hospitals and (c) medical (group) practices. All listed medical institutions were randomly drawn from the list. If no panellist could be recruited from an institution, another was randomly drawn from the list. The random sampling procedure for medical institutions was adopted separately for each therapeutic area.

The proposed quota sampling with the minimal proportion of physicians for each therapeutic area and the predefined sample composition delineated by the language spoken are outlined in table S1 (appendix 1).

Statement collection

The recruited panellists were invited via email to participate in an anonymous online survey. A reminder was send after 1 week if the panellist had failed to respond to the questionnaire. Participants who did not respond to the reminder were called and motivated to participate by the study group.

Each statement could be rated on a five-point Likert scale: strongly disagree (1), disagree (2), neither agree nor disagree (3), agree (4), strongly agree (5), don’t know (99).

“Consensus” was defined as ≥80% agreement in the rating of the single statements by the panellists; “critical consensus” was defined as agreement of 50–79%, “disagreement” was recorded if the agreement was <50%. Agreement was if the panellists replied either “agree” or “strongly agree” and disagreement if “disagree” or “strongly disagree”. The panellists also had the possibility to comment on the statements.

The Steering Committee had no contact with the panellists and filled-in questionnaire was devoid of any personal identifiers. The procedure for each panellist, displayed in the table S1 (appendix 1), was to fill out the general part 1, the specific part on the therapeutic area of the respective panellist, and the general part 2.


Percentages were calculated for consensus, critical consensus and disagreement for each statement. Mean ± SD was computed for the overall percentage of agreement, critical agreement and disagreement, respectively. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS/PC (version 22.0; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) software package.


A total of 115 panellists were recruited within 99 institutions. Of the 115 panellists, 93 from 80 institutions completed the survey, which corresponds to the return rate of 81% for panellists and 81% for institutions.

Over an eight-week period, the 93 panellists, 13 of whom were cardiologists, 16 nephrologists, 14 gastroenterologists, 13 gynaecologists, 19 oncologists and 18 internists, completed the survey. Twenty surveys were completed in French, the rest in German. We performed only one consensus round because the steering committee of the study concluded that the results were already satisfactory after the first round.

Overall, there were 440 statements. Consensus has been achieved for 50% (n = 218), critical consensus for further 38% (n = 167) and disagreement for 12% (n = 54) of the statements.

The proportion of agreement, critical agreement and disagreement among the panellists of the respective therapeutic area is shown in table 2. The degree of agreement regarding each statement is summarised in table S2 in appendix 1.

Table 2 Proportion of agreement, critical agreement and disagreement among the panellists.

Therapeutic area Number of statements Number of panellists Consensus
n (%)
Critical consensus
n (%)
n (%)
General part 1 109 93 48 (44) 43 (39) 18 (17)
Cardiology 42 13 29 (69) 13 (31) 0 (0)
Nephrology 43 16 33 (77) 7 (16) 3 (7)
Gastroenterology 42 14 18 (43) 15 (36) 9 (21)
Gynaecology 103 13 52 (50) 42 (41.3) 9 (8.7)
Oncology 60 19 21 (35) 30 (50) 9 (15)
Geriatrics 18 18 7 (39) 7 (39) 4 (22)
General part 2 23 93 11 (48) 10 (43.3) 2 (8.7)

Diagnosis, clinical relevance and treatment of ID/IDA

All panellists of different therapeutic areas participated in general parts 1 and 2 (table 2). Consensus was achieved on the following statements (table S2, part A).

Critical consensus was achieved on the following statements (table S2 , part A).

Diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency in chronic heart failure

Only cardiologists participated in this section (table 2). Consensus was achieved on the following statements (table S2 , part B).

Critical consensus was achieved on the following statements (table S2 , part B).

Diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency in chronic kidney disease

Only nephrologists participated in this section (table 2). Consensus was achieved on the following statements (table S2 , part C).

Critical consensus has been achieved on the following statements (table S2 , part C).

Diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency in inflammatory bowel disease

Only gastroenterologists participated in this section (table 2). Consensus was achieved on the following statements (table S2 , part D).

Critical consensus was achieved on the following statements (table S2 , part D).

Iron deficiency in women of childbearing age including pregnancy and postpartum

Only gynaecologists participated in this section (table 2). Consensus has been achieved on the following statements (table S2 , part E).

Critical consensus was achieved on the following statements (table S2 , part E).

Diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency in cancer

Only oncologists participated in this section (table 2). Consensus was achieved on the following statements (table S2 , part F).

Critical consensus was achieved on the following statements (table S2 , part F).

Diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency in elderly individuals

Only geriatrists participated in this section (table 2). Consensus was achieved on the following statements (table S2 , part G).

Critical consensus was achieved on the following statements (table S2 , part G).


The contributions of experienced clinicians, based on their daily practice, has helped overcome the lack of guidelines based on randomised interventional studies. In this context, the Delphi method represents one of the most reliable consensus methods [24]. The Delphi method has been employed in order to achieve consensus in various diseases [28–31]. So far, this is the first Delphi consensus with a joint panel of experts that addressed the unmet needs in the management of ID.

However, some study limitations merit consideration. Firstly, the Delphi consensus is not a method to introduce better evidence than that based on clinical trials; it represents a process to find a common clinical practise based on a summary of experts’ opinions. Secondly, although more than one consensus round is typically applied in Delphi consensus [23], with an experts’ discussion before the next round of voting process, in this study we performed only one iteration of consensus building. We did so intentionally, because a panel discussion before the next round could lead to a group dynamic putting pressure on single individuals to be compliant with the collective viewpoint. Thirdly, some therapeutic area groups of specialists were relatively small. The strength of our study is therefore that the statements remained free of bias, individual and anonymous. Furthermore, the results reported here are supported by a high number of contributing specialists, who provided information on their views from a wide range of clinical perspectives.

Diagnosis of iron deficiency is complex and has been highly debated in previous studies. Serum ferritin is a widely accepted as the most effective indicator of ID. In patients without systemic inflammation, the threshold of 30 μg/l provided the highest product of sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of ID without anaemia, as shown in previous studies [6, 32] and as it is in line with the opinion of Swiss experts in this report. However, the utility of ferritin can be limited in patients with liver diseases, malignancy or acute and chronic inflammation. In those conditions, serum ferritin levels can be increased independently of the iron load [6]. Additionally, as suggested by the experts, for ferritin levels within the range of 30–50 μg/l, TSAT <20% can indicate ID without anaemia. Although, the utility of TSAT can also be limited because transferrin is a negative acute phase protein, it can be a helpful tool and is recommended in current guidelines for chronic diseases [11, 33, 34]. The combination of further laboratory parameters – CRP, MCV, MCHC and sTfR and sTfR/log – with ferritin and TSAT seem to provide the best assessment of ID [6].

Importantly, iron replacement therapy is accepted for treatment not only of IDA [35], but also of symptomatic ID without anaemia [15, 36]. As outlined above, either serum ferritin <30 μg/l or ferritin 30–50 μg/l with TSAT <20% can be used as a cut-off to initiate iron therapy. Intravenous iron replacement can be considered if oral iron is not tolerated or not efficacious. Oral iron therapy can be regarded as not efficacious if the therapeutic doses of iron fail to produce an increase of haemoglobin of at least 20–30 g/l after 3 weeks, as recommended in the respective Summary of Product Characteristics. However, the haemoglobin increase can vary between different patients. Therefore, an individual approach based on the expected Hb-increase in the particular patient may be necessary.

According to the given statements, Swiss physicians show a good adherence to a number of current EU Guidelines [11, 34, 37–43] and to local Swiss recommendations [44]. The claims in the oncology part seem to be less well accepted. One possible explanation can be the reduced utility of measuring ferritin in cancer patients: serum ferritin levels are elevated in the most cancer patients and does not reflect the iron stores [6]. A new guideline of the ESMO is available now. In contrast, the claims in the cardiology part seem to be best accepted: there was no disagreement among the cardiology panellists. One possible explanation could be that several randomised clinical trials on iron replacement therapy have been undertaken in Cardiology patients [17, 18, 45].

According to the Swiss Delphi study on iron deficiency, GPs play a central role in the diagnosis and management of ID, generally and in the particular therapeutic area. In cardiology patients, the GP is responsible for treatment of ID and IDA in compensated chronic heart failure, whereas cardiologists take responsibility in decompensated chronic heart failure. During pregnancy, the GP performs the ambulatory treatment of ID, in coordination with the gynaecologist. In patients with chronic kidney disease, the GP is responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of ID in predialysis patients and the nephrologist takes that responsibility in dialysis patients. We hope that the results summarised in this study help to support GPs in their daily practice by giving them guidance on how best to diagnose and treat patients suffering from ID.


This consensus study provides potential therapeutic strategies for the management of ID and the results reported here are reflective of a substantial number of respondents (physicians) covering a wide range of specialities.

Data sharing

The dataset is available from FigShare, doi:. 10.6084/m9.figshare.6860216 or

Appendix 1Supplementary tables and reference list

The appendix is available in a separate file for downloading at:


Financial disclosure

The study was funded by a grant of Vifor SA to LINK Institute. The grant included support for the services provided by LINK Institute, consultancy fees for Steering Committee and Expert Board members, as well as fees for medical writing of the manuscript

The recruitment, data collection, data processing, and reporting was conducted independently from Vifor by the LINK Institute and its subsidiary company LINK qualitative AG, a research institute specialised in social, market, and media research.

Potential competing interests

Albina Nowak received lecturing honoraria and research support from Sanofi Genzyme and Shire and research support from EMDO- and Hemi-foundation; Daniel Surbek received lecture honorarium and unrestricted research grant from Vifor; Pascal Juillerat has no conflict of interests to declare; Idris Guessous participated as speaker in congress sessions sponsored by Vifor, all honoraria received were directed to an independent research fund at the Geneva University Hospitals; Wolfgang Korte received lecture honorarium from Vifor; Anne Angelillo-Scherrer received lecture honorarium from Vifor; Edouard Battegay received consulting and lecturing fees as well as financial support and educational grants for meetings and symposia from Vifor; he also received consulting fee from Pierre Fabre

Author contributions The project idea was initiated and developed by the members of the Steering Committee, on which behalf LINK, an independent project executor, was involved. Vifor Pharma covered the expenses for the project. The medical department of Vifor Pharma conducted the literature search, as specified by the Steering Committee. The study protocol and the analysis plan were elaborated by LINK. The analysis was reviewed by the Steering Committee. The manuscript has been written by the first author Dr Albina Nowak, a medical doctor affiliated to the University Hospital and Psychiatry Hospital of Zurich. Edouard Battegay and Johann Steurer were both responsible for the scientific leadership of the project, to which they contributed equally and should therefore be considered last/senior author.


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Author contributions

The project idea was initiated and developed by the members of the Steering Committee, on which behalf LINK, an independent project executor, was involved. Vifor Pharma covered the expenses for the project. The medical department of Vifor Pharma conducted the literature search, as specified by the Steering Committee. The study protocol and the analysis plan were elaborated by LINK. The analysis was reviewed by the Steering Committee. The manuscript has been written by the first author Dr Albina Nowak, a medical doctor affiliated to the University Hospital and Psychiatry Hospital of Zurich.

Edouard Battegay and Johann Steurer were both responsible for the scientific leadership of the project, to which they contributed equally and should therefore be considered last/senior author.

Financial disclosure

The study was funded by a grant of Vifor SA to LINK Institute. The grant included support for the services provided by LINK Institute, consultancy fees for Steering Committee and Expert Board members, as well as fees for medical writing of the manuscript

The recruitment, data collection, data processing, and reporting was conducted independently from Vifor by the LINK Institute and its subsidiary company LINK qualitative AG, a research institute specialised in social, market, and media research.

Potential competing interests

Albina Nowak received lecturing honoraria and research support from Sanofi Genzyme and Shire and research support from EMDO- and Hemi-foundation; Daniel Surbek received lecture honorarium and unrestricted research grant from Vifor; Pascal Juillerat has no conflict of interests to declare; Idris Guessous participated as speaker in congress sessions sponsored by Vifor, all honoraria received were directed to an independent research fund at the Geneva University Hospitals; Wolfgang Korte received lecture honorarium from Vifor; Anne Angelillo-Scherrer received lecture honorarium from Vifor; Edouard Battegay received consulting and lecturing fees as well as financial support and educational grants for meetings and symposia from Vifor; he also received consulting fee from Pierre Fabre