Cost-effectiveness of sacubitril/valsartan in chronic heart-failure patients with reduced ejection fraction


Zanfina Ademiae, Alena M Pfeila, Elizabeth Hancockb, David Truemanc, Rola Haround, Céline Deschaseauxd, Matthias Schwenkglenksa

aInstitute of Pharmaceutical Medicine (ECPM), University of Basel, Switzerland

bPHMR, London, United Kingdom

cSource HEOR, Oxford, United Kingdom

dNovartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland

eMonash Centre of Cardiovascular Research and Education in Therapeutics, Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia



We aimed to assess the cost effectiveness of sacubitril/valsartan compared to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) for the treatment of individuals with chronic heart failure and reduced-ejection fraction (HFrEF) from the perspective of the Swiss health care system.


The cost-effectiveness analysis was implemented as a lifelong regression-based cohort model. We compared sacubitril/valsartan with enalapril in chronic heart failure patients with HFrEF and New York-Heart Association Functional Classification II–IV symptoms. Regression models based on the randomised clinical phase III PARADIGM-HF trials were used to predict events (all-cause mortality, hospitalisations, adverse events and quality of life) for each treatment strategy modelled over the lifetime horizon, with adjustments for patient characteristics. Unit costs were obtained from Swiss public sources for the year 2014, and costs and effects were discounted by 3%. The main outcome of interest was the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER), expressed as cost per quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) gained. Deterministic sensitivity analysis (DSA) and scenario and probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA) were performed.


In the base-case analysis, the sacubitril/valsartan strategy showed a decrease in the number of hospitalisations (6.0% per year absolute reduction) and lifetime hospital costs by 8.0% (discounted) when compared with enalapril. Sacubitril/valsartan was predicted to improve overall and quality-adjusted survival by 0.50 years and 0.42 QALYs, respectively. Additional net-total costs were CHF 10 926. This led to an ICER of CHF 25 684. In PSA, the probability of sacubitril/valsartan being cost-effective at thresholds of CHF 50 000 was 99.0%.


The treatment of HFrEF patients with sacubitril/valsartan versus enalapril is cost effective, if a willingness-to-pay threshold of CHF 50 000 per QALY gained ratio is assumed.


Heart failure is a progressive and incurable disease, with high morbidity and mortality in high-income countries including Switzerland. The reported prevalence of heart failure varies from between 1 and 2%, and increases for individuals aged above 65 years [1]. Estimates for 2010 expected 15 million people with heart failure in Europe and 6.6 million in the United States [2, 3]. Chronic heart failure has a prevalence of 1 to 2% and heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) accounts for about 50% of all heart failure cases [4]. In general, the condition requires complex management and treatment protocols that require substantial effort from patients, care givers, and healthcare services, and therefore poses a high cost burden on society [5]. Morbidity is very prominent in terms of severity of symptoms, reduced quality of life, hospitalisations and continuous need for treatment [6, 7]. Previous guidelines recommend angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and beta-blockers as initial treatment, as well as diuretics if there is a fluid overload [8]. These treatments appear to reduce the risk of death and improve exercise capacity. Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) are controversial and less well tolerated than ACEIs, but remain a treatment option where ACEIs are not tolerated. Other treatments such as anti-platelets and lipid-lowering agents are added if necessary [9]. Advances in chronic heart failure treatment have been quite limited in the last decade.

Sacubitril/valsartan, an angiotensin-receptor-neprilysin-inhibitor (ARNI), is a novel oral therapy proposed in the current guidelines for the treatment of heart failure in patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) [9]. The phase-III prospective double-blind randomised controlled trial PARADIGM-HF (prospective comparison of ARNI with ACEI to determine impact on global mortality and morbidity in heart failure) compared morbidity and mortality between sacubitril/valsartan and the ACEI enalapril in a population with HFrEF [10]. The primary outcome was a composite of death from cardiovascular causes or hospitalisation for heart failure. After a median follow-up of 27 months, sacubitril/valsartan was associated with a significant reduction in time to the primary outcome (hazard ratio [HR] 0.80, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 0.73–0.87; p <0.001), all-cause mortality (HR 0.84, 95% CI 0.76–0.93; p <0.001) and cardiovascular mortality (HR 0.80, 95% CI 0.71–0.89; p <0.001). In addition, sacubitril/valsartan was also associated with a reduced risk of hospitalisation for heart failure of 21% (p <0.001) and a reduction in the symptoms and physical limitations of heart failure (p = 0.001) [10].

The aim of this study was to assess the clinical effectiveness in terms of quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) gained, the direct medical cost, and the cost-effectiveness of sacubitril/valsartan (in addition to standard care) compared to ACEIs (in addition to standard care) from the perspective of the Swiss healthcare system.


Overview of approach and model

A model-based cost-utility analysis was undertaken comparing sacubitril/valsartan and standard care to ACEI and standard care. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was expressed as cost per QALY gained. The analysis was conducted from the perspective of the Swiss healthcare system. Costs and effects occurring after one year were discounted by 3% in the base-case analysis.

A two-state Markov model [11] was implemented for the current analyses. In brief, the model is structured as a two-state Markov model (with health states “alive” and “dead”). Regression models were used to predict events and outcomes such as mortality, hospitalisations, adverse events and health-related quality of life over the lifelong time horizon of the model, based on patient characteristics and treatment received (fig. 1). This type of model was chosen as the benefits of treatment and costs continue to accrue beyond the observation period of the PARADIGM-HF trial. Cycle length is one month and a half-cycle correction is applied. The model permits both deterministic (DSA) and probabilistic sensitivity analyses (PSA). Death can occur at any point in time. Model outcomes include survival time (i.e., life years), QALYs, medical resource utilisation, accrued lifetime and total and disaggregated costs, and other clinical events such as number of hospitalisations and adverse events.

Figure 1 Model structure.

AEs = adverse events; QALYs = quality adjusted life years

Patient population

The patient population considered for the economic model was the same as that enrolled on the PARADIGM-HF trial [10] i.e., adult HErEF and a mean age of 64 years. The following eligibility criteria were applied: age of at least 18 years, NYHA class II–IV symptoms, ejection fraction of 40% or less (which was changed to 35% or less) [12], and plasma B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) level of at least 150 pg/ml or hospitalisation for heart failure within the previous 12 months and a BNP of at least 100 pg/ml. Patients taking stable doses of ACEIs or ARBs four weeks before screening were considered for participation in the study. Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) and cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT) are increasingly used in patients with HFrEF. In the PARADIGM-HF trial [10], 1,857 (22%) of the eligible patients used either ICDs or CRT at baseline. After screening, patients had a run-in phase with enalapril or sacubitril/valsartan, which was followed by the main double-blind randomised treatment phase [13]. Of 8,442 patients randomised, 43 patients were excluded for the full analysis set (FAS) due to invalid randomisation (n = 6) and good clinical practice (GCP) violations (n = 37). The analysis population consisted of 4187 patients receiving sacubitril/valsartan and 4212 patients receiving enalapril. The baseline characteristics of the trial population are presented in supplementary table S1 in appendix 2.

Treatment strategies

The average daily dose at the end of the PARADIGM-HF trial [10] for sacubitril/valsartan (in addition to standard care) was 375 mg compared to a treatment strategy with a daily dose of the ACEI enalapril (in addition to standard care) of 18.9 mg. Standard care included the use of diuretics, beta-blockers, aldosterone antagonists, digoxin, anticoagulants, aspirin, adenosine diphosphate antagonists and lipid-lowering medications. The choice of standard care is based on medication classes observed in the PARADIGM-HF trial [10].

Clinical model inputs

Clinical information regarding all-cause mortality, hospitalisation rates, health-related quality of life and adverse events was obtained from the PARADIGM-HF trial [10].


The base-case analysis used a multivariable parametric survival model of all-cause mortality, which was based on the treatment arm, baseline characteristics of the patients, and time since randomisation (supplementary table S2 in appendix 2).

An alternative scenario analysis used multivariable parametric survival for cardiovascular mortality from the PARADIGM-HF trial [10] (supplementary table S3), and non-cardiovascular mortality from Swiss national life-tables (table S6). The monthly probability of non-cardiovascular mortality was obtained by subtracting the probability of cardiovascular mortality from the probability of all-cause mortality as calculated with data provided by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (SFOPH) [14] and the Swiss Federal Office of Statistics (SFOS) tables [15]. A death rate including cardiovascular death for five-year age bands was calculated by dividing the number of deaths obtained from Swiss life tables [15] by the number of persons in the relevant age group sourced from the SFOPH [14]. The death rates were converted to yearly probabilities of death using the formula p = 1 − e central death rate*time (time is 1/12 years in this case, as we derived monthly probabilities). All-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality were assumed to be constant within the 5-year age bands provided by the SFOS, and constant in the age group of persons aged 85 years or above, as we had no additional data for this age category. Additional information about Swiss population and related mortality is available in tables S4, S5 and S6 .

Hospitalisation and adverse events

The model predicted the risk of all-cause hospitalisation beyond the PARADIGM-HF trial using negative binomial regression [11]. Briefly, predicted hospitalisation rates were adjusted for baseline characteristics of the subjects included in the PARADIGM-HF trial such as age, race, and region, and were dependent on the treatment arm. The model for all-cause hospitalisation showed that a treatment strategy with a daily dose of sacubitril/valsartan compared to ACEI treatment reduced all-cause hospitalisation (supplementary table S7).

More serious adverse events were considered to be covered by all-cause hospitalisations (table S7), whereas less serious adverse events were considered independently. Rates of these adverse events (hypotension, elevated serum creatinine and potassium, cough and non-severe angio-oedema) were estimated from the PARADIGM-HF trial) [10]. Occurrence of less serious adverse events can be found in the additional material provided in table S8.

Health-related quality of life (HRQoL)

A mixed-effects regression model derived from the PARADIGM-HF trial based on patient-level EQ-5D data was estimated to allow the prediction of the EQ-5D-based utility values as a function of baseline characteristics (including baseline EQ-5D), hospitalisations, adverse events, treatment arm and time since randomisation. The EQ-5D 3-level questionnaire was administered at baseline and at months 4, 8, 12, 24, 36, and end of study. The UK EQ-5D tariff published by Dolan et al. was applied to EQ-5D patient responses [16]. Details are available in table S9. Hospitalisations in the 30 days before EQ-5D measurement (to capture the acute effect of hospitalisation), and hospitalisations 30–90 days before EQ-5D measurement (to capture any long term effect during rehabilitation) were implemented. Utility decrements in the model were applied to subjects experiencing hospitalisations or adverse events.

Resource use

Drug dosage (primary and background drug therapy) data from the PARADIGM-HF trial were validated by using the recommendations of the Swiss Heart Failure Working Group of the Swiss Society of Cardiology [17], which are based on 2012 European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines [8]. Drug dosages used for the Swiss model can be found in supplementary table S10. The proportional occurrence of hospitalisations for surgical procedures (4.0%), interventional procedures (8.0%), or medical management only (88.0%), was obtained from the Western European population of the PARADIGM-HF trial (table S11).

A background medical resource utilisation per unit of time was assumed to be the same in both treatment strategies of the model. We assumed that patients with heart failure would need to have at least 12 primary-care physician (PCP) visits per year. This was based on an article by Muntwyler et al. [18], which measured the quality of the diagnosis and management of heart failure in primary care in 1999 in Switzerland. Over 82 PCPs from all over Switzerland participated in the study. A total of 474 patients were included.

Milder adverse events reported in the PARADIGM-HF trial [10] were modelled separately, as mentioned previously. The following assumptions were applied for resource use associated with adverse events; (a) if a patient experiences hypotension, he/she needs 2 additional PCP visits, (b) if a patient experiences cough, he/she needs 2 additional PCP visits and blood tests, (c) in the case of angio-oedema, patients can experience milder or severe angio-oedema. Milder angio-oedema patients require use of antihistamines and 2 additional outpatient visits, while patients experiencing more severe angio-oedema need 2 additional outpatient visits and use of glucocorticoids, (d) if patients show signs of elevated serum creatinine, they need 2 additional PCP visits and a blood test, (e) if patients show signs of elevated serum potassium, they need 2 additional PCP visits and a blood test.

Unit costs

The cost of sacubitril/valsartan per day in the base-case analyses was CHF 5.79 (375 mg per day), and unit costs of background therapies were sourced from SFOPH data (Spezialitätenliste) relevant to 2015 [19]. For each reported therapeutic substance used in the PARADIGM-HF trial, we collected and mapped drugs representing the same substance, based on the number of available producers in the Swiss pharmaceutical market. For example, if there were three pharmaceutical producers of enalapril 10 mg on the market, then the average cost per tablet strength was calculated. Monthly costs were calculated by multiplying the daily costs by 365.25/12. Daily costs of primary therapies and background therapies can be found in supplementary table S10.

Unit costs of hospitalisations were estimated on the basis of diagnosis-related group (DRG) costs, and by mapping each reported hospitalisation in the PARADIGM-HF trial to relevant Swiss DRG codes [20]. For this mapping procedure, we used the proportional occurrence of hospitalisations involving surgery, interventional procedures or medical management. Where several suitable Swiss DRG codes were identified, the weighted mean was used based on their activity and cost as reported for 2012, which is when the latest data was published [20]. Details about hospitalisations, the proportional occurrence of diagnoses reported in the PARADIGM-HF trial, and Swiss DRGs assigned are provided in table S11. The weighted mean cost per hospitalisation provided information on the unit cost per hospitalisation event rather than cost per day in hospital. For the year 2012, the average cost per hospitalisation was CHF 13 847; these costs were then updated to 2014 values using the Swiss consumer price index [21]. The consumer price index values for 2012 and 2014 were 99.9 and 98.1. The resulting cost per hospitalisation in 2014 was CHF 13 598.

As described previously, the estimated number of PCP visits per year was informed by the European IMPROVEMENT-HF study [18]. The unit costs of a PCP visit were derived from the santésuisse web page, and amounted to CHF 113 in 2007. Based on the consumer price index [21] the updated value for one PCP visit in 2014 was CHF 110.30. Unit costs for the treatment of each relevant type of adverse event were estimated from Swiss literature and information publicly available from the SFOPH, Tarmed, and santésuisse websites [19] [22].

Subgroup analyses

Subgroup analyses based on the a priori subgroups in PARADIGM-HF were undertaken to understand variation of the main results between subgroups of patients enrolled in the PARADIGM-HF trial.

Sensitivity analysis

To assess the impact of different assumptions on the model results, a series of scenario analyses were performed. Some were of general relevance. Additional analyses were regarded as specifically relevant for the Swiss setting (see appendix 1 for description). A series of deterministic sensitivity analyses (DSA) were performed to assess the impact of uncertainty surrounding key input parameters. Important parameters were varied independently over plausible ranges determined by the 95% confidence intervals (CI) surrounding point estimates. Where 95% CIs were not available, upper and lower values of ±25% surrounding point estimates were used (supplementary table S12). The ICERs resulting from each analysis were recorded for the upper and lower value and are presented in a Tornado diagram.

Probabilistic sensitivity analysis was undertaken to explore joint parameter uncertainty (details about their respective distributions in table S12). A total of 10 000 iterations were run and the results are shown as a cost-effectiveness plan.


Base-case analyses

In the base-case analysis, the sacubitril/valsartan strategy compared to enalapril showed a decrease in the number of hospitalisations (6.0%/year absolute reduction) and lifetime hospital costs by 8.0% (discounted). Total QALYs per person over a lifetime horizon were 4.99 and 4.56 in the sacubitril/valsartan and ACEI treatment strategies respectively (table 1). This led to an incremental difference of 0.425 QALYs. The total incremental costs difference was CHF 10 926 (table 1) and the ICER for sacubitril/valsartan treatment versus ACEI was CHF 25 684 per QALY gained. Alternatively, the use of Swiss life-tables for non-cardiovascular mortality and cardiovascular mortality rates from the PARADIGM-HF trial led to an ICER of CHF 24 490.

Table 1 Base case results (all costs are expressed in CHF).

Parameter Sacubitril/valsartan ACEI Difference
Clinical effectiveness parameters (discounted)
Total life years 6.67 6.17 0.50
Total QALYs 4.99 4.565 0.4254
Cost parameters (discounted)
Primary therapy 14 119 1757 12 362
Titration 220 0.00 220
Adverse events 307 290 17
Background drug therapy 8072 7467 605
Management of HF by physicians 8830 8168 662
Hospitalisation 32 857 35 797 −2940
Total costs 69 683 53 479 10 926
Cost-effectiveness parameters
Cost per LYG CHF21 855
Cost per QALY gained CHF25 684

ACEI = angiotensin-converting enzyme; HF = chronic heart failure patients; LYG = life year gained; QALY = quality adjusted life year

Cost-effectiveness results for subgroups of patients are presented in full in supplementary table S13 in appendix 2. The ICER was quite stable, with ±1–11% variation from the base-case result. In brief, if the baseline eGFR was <60, the ICER decreased by 8.0%. No use of beta-blockers at baseline decreased the ICER by 11.0%, and where ≤1 year since diagnosis of heart failure was recorded, this increased the ICER by 8.0%.

Sensitivity analysis

The most influential parameters in univariate sensitivity analysis were related to all-cause mortality, hospitalisations and HRQoL (fig. 2). Table 2 shows the scenario analysis results. An ICER of > CHF 48 000 per QALY occurred if all treatment effects of sacubitril/valsartan were assumed to cease after year 5 (while the treatment costs of sacubitril/valsartan continued for life). An analysis based on two years of follow-up led to an increased ICER of CHF 58 679. An ICER of CHF 30 812 per QALY gained was observed where there was assumed to be no effect of sacubitril/valsartan on HRQoL. Using the German and French EQ-5D value sets instead of that for the UK led to slightly more favourable ICER results. Other scenario analyses did not have a major impact on the ICER.

Figure 2 Tornado diagram summarising univariate sensitivity analysis results.

Table 2 Results of scenario analyses.

Area of uncertainty Scenario ICER
(cost per QALY in CHF)
Base case (patient level data) 25 684
Discount rate Discount rate: 1.5% benefits; 6% costs 18 951
Time horizon 2 years 58 679
CV mortality PARADIGM, non-CV mortality life tables 24 490
HRQL time trend Time trend halved 24 648
HRQL time trend Time trend doubled 28 041
HRQL time trend No decrease in HRQL 23 693
HRQL time trend HRQL constant at 5 years 24 648
HRQL time trend HRQL constant at 10 years 25 311
Treatment effect on HRQL No absolute benefit in HRQL for sacubitril/valsartan 30 812
Treatment effect on hospitalisation sacubitril/valsartan treatment effect applied only to HF hospitalisations (rather than CV mortality and utility) 36 472
Effect of hospitalisation on HRQL Decrements for hospitalisation set to zero 25 810
Extrapolation of treatment effects All treatment effects cease at year 5 47 062
Extrapolation of treatment effects All treatment effects cease at year 10 30 132
Discontinuation Include discontinuation as seen in PARADIGM-HF 25 242
Discontinuation No discontinuation after year 3 25 455
Hospitalisation costs Double cost per hospitalisation 25 684
Adverse event rates All adverse event rates set to zero 25 621
Cost of primary therapies Cost of ACEI/ sacubitril/valsartan based on PARADIGM-HF target doses 26 245
French EQ-5D tariff used Using EQ-5D tariff instead of UK tariffs 23 359
German EQ-5D tariff used Using EQ-5D German tariffs instead of UK tariff 24 038
NT-pronBNP test inclusion 26 159
HF management outpatient visits (40) 4.6 visits per year 25 200

CV = cardiovascular; HF = heart failure; EQ-5D = European quality of life-5 dimensions; HQRL = health-related quality of life; ACEI = angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB = angiotensin-receptor blocker; NT-pronBNP = N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide; PCP = primary care physician

PSA results are presented in figure 3 as a cost-effectiveness plane. All simulation fell within the northeast quadrant of the cost-effectiveness plane (meaning in all simulations sacubitril/valsartan was both more effective and costlier than enalapril), with a 95% confidence interval range of CHF 18 798 to CHF 43 974 per QALY gained. The cost-effectiveness threshold of CHF 30 000 per QALY gained was met in 78.0% of 10 000 runs, and threshold of CHF 50 000 per QALY gained was met in 99.0% of 10 000 runs.

Figure 3 Cost-effectiveness scatterplot and 95% confidence range (10 000 simulations).


Given limited healthcare budgets throughout the world, the health economic aspects of new drug evaluations can be as important as efficacy, safety and the ability to serve important medical needs under routine clinical practice. In most developed countries, heart failure poses a great economic burden. Estimates show that management of heart failure accounts for 2–5% [2, 3] of total healthcare budgets. Long-term drug treatment is a cornerstone of heart failure therapy.

The cost-effectiveness of sacubitril/valsartan plus standard care compared to enalapril plus standard care has been assessed, from the perspective of the Swiss health care system. The base-case analysis indicated an ICER of CHF 25 684 per QALY gained.

The findings presented were robust to changes in assumptions, and the ICER results were similar across multiple patient subgroups. When model input parameters were varied on the basis of their 95% confidence intervals (as observed in the PARADIGM-HF trial or estimated in regression analyses based thereupon), the ICER remained below CHF 50 000 per QALY gained in most of the cases. In the scenario analyses performed, the ICER also remained below CHF 50 000 per QALY gained, except in the extreme scenarios of the treatment effect of sacubitril/valsartan that persisted for only two or five years.

It should be noted that there is no formally accepted cost-effectiveness threshold in Switzerland. In this study, we tentatively assume a threshold of CHF 30 000 and CHF 50 000 per QALY gained to distinguish between favourable and unfavourable ICER results [23, 24]. This threshold level is similar to the upper limit of the threshold range of £20 000–£30 000 accepted in the United Kingdom (UK) [25]. A few years ago, a court in Switzerland hinted at a CHF 100 000 per QALY threshold [26].

Findings were similar to the results of three previously published cost-effectiveness analyses in the United States [27–29]. These studies (Gaziano et al., King et al. and Sandhu et al.) found sacubitril/valsartan to be cost-effective. The first published economic analysis for the US [27] used the same analytical framework over a 30-year time horizon and displayed an ICER of US$45 017 per QALY gained. Differences observed with our study affected costs and quality of life. Incremental costs and effects were higher in the US population. For example, the monthly cost for sacubitril/valsartan in the US was $375, whereas in Switzerland it was CHF 176. The cost of heart failure hospitalisation were $18 158 in the US and CHF 13 599 in Switzerland. Incremental QALYs gained were 0.78 for the US population and 0.42 for the Swiss population.

The second set of cost-effectiveness analyses undertaken by King et al. [28] found similar results with an ICER of $50 959 per QALY gained over a lifetime. However, their model included population with NYHA class I [28], whereas NYHA class I population was excluded from the PARADIGM-HF trial. The third economic evaluation by Sadhu et al. [29] displayed a cost per QALY gained of $47 053, and differences with our study were mainly due to modelling techniques and input parameters. Monthly cost for sacubitril/valsartan in the study by Sadhu et al. [29] was assumed to be $380, and heart failure hospitalisation costs were assumed as $11 829. In terms of health outcomes, the study by Sadhu et al. [29] displayed a higher incremental QALY gained of 0.62, as compared to that of the Swiss population (0.42).

Another recent study from the Netherlands, using a Markov model and using the effectiveness data from the PARADIGM-HF trial over a lifetime horizon, showed that sacubitril/valsartan was considered cost effective at an ICER of 19 113 per QALY gained [30]. Differences observed with our study were mainly in terms of model structure, but also in terms of input parameters, such as quality of life. The Dutch study was not able to utilise patient level PARADIGM-HF trial data. The reported incremental QALY gained was 0.29 for the Dutch population, which was lower than that for the Swiss population (0.42). However, the monthly cost for sacubitril/valsartan in the Dutch and Swiss models was quite similar; the amounts were €161.7 and CHF 176 respectively.

In recent years, there have been a number of cost-effectiveness studies undertaken for heart failure patients. The interventions considered included ivabradine, eplerenone, ACEI, and beta blockers. These were compared with placebo or standard of care. In particular, ivabradine was one of the most studied drugs in heart failure patients. Lifetime ICERs ranged from €7634 in Poland [31] to $53 710 in Mexico [32] within these studies [31, 33–38]. ICERs for sacubitril/valsartan appear to be in a comparable range.

Strengths and limitations

Patient-level data from a large international randomised clinical trial formed the basis of this analysis. Use of data from PARADIGM-HF, a large randomized controlled trial comparing sacubitril/valsartan to a real-world standard of care, allowed for a high level of internal consistency in the model. Multivariate risk equations allowed us to characterise and take into account between-patient heterogeneity. A relatively novel approach was used to predict quality of life, by extrapolating EQ-5D utility values based on time trends observed in PARADIGM-HF. The use of local data with regards to non-cardiovascular deaths and unit costs allowed for adjustment to the Swiss healthcare environment. Consistency across countries with regards to medical resource use was partially improved by using the Western European part of the PARADIGM-HF population for the calculation of some parameters, such as hospitalisations. However, the transferability of clinical trial results is necessarily affected by simplifications and assumptions, as these are required in all health economic models.

The main limitation was extrapolation of the treatment effect beyond the observation period of the PARADIGM-HF trial. This is a common limitation shared by most economic evaluation studies when the lifetime impact of an emerging treatment is assessed. Assumptions made with regards to the long-term effects of treatment on mortality, health-related quality of life and all-cause hospitalisation were addressed by performing state-of-the-art sensitivity and scenario analyses. When these assumptions were changed one at a time, they were found to have a relatively modest impact on the final results. Hence, results derived in the base-case analysis seem to be realistic based upon assumptions in the economic evaluation.

The mean age of patients treated in the PARADIGM–HF trial was 64 years, while the mean age of patients in the Swiss population might be higher. This may have led to an over- or underestimation of the true differences between sacubitril/valsartan and standard treatment to be expected for Switzerland, with unclear implications for the ICER. However, in a subgroup analysis including only PARADIGM-HF [39] patients aged at least 75 at baseline, the resulting ICER was very similar to the base case ICER.

The model used Swiss input data where relevant and available, but some approximations were required due to lack of data. One related limitation was the lack of information with regards to medical resource use in heart failure patients. This highlights the need for high-quality Swiss data to cover the aspects of resource utilisation. In the absence of such data, we have adopted resource-use estimates from the UK and verified these with the Swiss literature published as far as possible. This approach may have led to an underestimation of the medical resource use of Swiss CHF patients, which is expected to have a relatively unclear impact on this ICER. In addition, we were not able to capture out-of-pocket expenses incurred by patients themselves with regards to heart failure, and this information should be included in future assessments of costs from the perspective of the Swiss healthcare system.


From the perspective of the Swiss healthcare system, sacubitril/valsartan represents a cost-effective treatment option in patients with HFrEF versus enalapril if a willingness-to-pay threshold of CHF 50 000 per QALY gained is assumed.

Appendix 1Scenario analyses

Basing non-cardiovascular death from Swiss life tables, observations from the PARADIGM-HF trial were used for cardiovascular (CV) mortality. Towards this end, CV mortality parametric survival model was used where an effect of sacubitril/valsartan on CV mortality was considered.

Sacubitril/valsartan showed a small positive effect on European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D) score (0.011, p = 0.001). To test the impact of this assumption, in the scenario analysis this effect was set to zero.

The treatment effect of sacubitril/valsartan was applied to heart failure (HF) hospitalisations only, whereas the base-case analyses modelled the observed impact of sacubitril/valsartan treatment on all cause hospitalisations.

Hospitalisation-related utility decrements were set to zero whereas in the base-case analyses, utility decrements for hospitalisation in the previous 30 days and in the previous 30-90 days were incorporated.

The median follow-up time in the PARADIGM-HF trial was 27 months. In the absence of long term follow up data, the base-case analyses assumed that the treatment effect of sacubitril/valsartan on mortality, hospitalisations and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) would continue over a lifetime horizon. In scenario analyses, all sacubitril/valsartan treatment effects were assumed to cease after 5 or 10 years (but the accrual of sacubitril/valsartan treatment costs was assumed to continue).

While the base-case analyses included discontinuation as seen in PARADIGM-HF, scenario analysis assumed an exponential survival model of treatment discontinuation, implying a constant rate of discontinuation. Upon discontinuation, costs and efficacy for sacubitril/valsartan patients were assumed to revert to that of angiotensin converting-enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs). This change in efficacy was assumed for all treatment effects, i.e. mortality, hospitalisations, HRQoL and adverse event occurrence. Costs for discontinued ACEI patients were based on angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) costs, with efficacy assumed to be the same for ACEI and ARBs. (ARBs were shown to have comparable efficacy to ACEI [40].) Another scenario assumed there would be no discontinuation after 3 years.

Given geographical proximity, we additionally applied utility estimates based on the French and German EQ-5D value sets. The former was based on a French time trade-off study by Chevalier et al. [41]. This study recruited a total of 452 respondents aged over 18 years who were representative of the French population with regard to age, gender, and socio-professional group [41]. Secondly, Greiner et al. provided a German value set for the EQ-5D [42] based on the stated preferences of the German general public. A sample of 339 individuals in northern Germany valued 15 different health states from a sample of 36 states. Similarly as described for the base-case model, mixed-effects regression models based on patient-level EQ-5D utility values were estimated to predict EQ-5D utility as a function of baseline characteristics (including baseline EQ-5D), hospitalisations, adverse events, treatment arm and time since randomisation [42].

Another scenario analysis assumed that N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide tests would be routinely performed in heart failure patients.

A last scenario analysis, assumed 4.6 times HF outpatient visits per year, instead of 12 times per year as per base case analysis. 4.6 times HF outpatient visits per year as per Agvall et al. 2005 [43].

Appendix 2Supplementary tables

Table S1 Baseline characteristics of the PARADIGM-HF trial population (full analysis set).

Variable Enalapril 10 mg twice daily Sacubitril/valsartan 200 mg twice daily p-value
No. 4212 4187
Age (years), mean (SD) 63.8 (11.3) 63.8 (11.5) 0.93
Female, n (%) 953 (22.6%) 879 (21.0%) 0.070
Race, n (%)
          White 2781 (66.0%) 2763 (66.0%) 0.97
          Black 215 (5.1%) 213 (5.1%)
          Asian 750 (17.8%) 759 (18.1%)
          Other       466 (11.1%)       452 (10.8%)
Region, n (%)
    North America 292 (6.9%) 310 (7.4%) 0.90
    Latin America 720 (17.1%) 713 (17.0%)
    Western Europe and other 1025 (24.3%) 1026 (24.5%)
    Central Europe 1433 (34.0%) 1393 (33.3%)
    Asia-Pacific 742 (17.6%) 745 (17.8%)
Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg), mean (SD) 121.2 (15.4) 121.6 (15.2) 0.31
Heart rate (bpm), mean (SD) 72.5 (12.1) 72.2 (12.0) 0.26
Body mass index (kg/m2), mean (SD) 28.2 (5.5) 28.1 (5.5) 0.65
Serum creatinine (mg/l), mean (SD) 1.1 (0.3) 1.1 (0.3) 0.39
Ischaemic aetiology, n (% 2530 (60.1%) 2506 (59.9%) 0.84
Ejection fraction (%), mean (SD) 29.4 (6.3) 29.6 (6.1) 0.30
NT-proBNP (pg/ml), median (IQR) 188.4 (104.8–390.8) 192.8 (104.7–373.0) 0.94
BNP (pg/ml), median (IQR) 72.4 (44.4–134.1) 73.6 (44.6–136.6) 0.57
NYHA class, n (%)
    I 209 (5.0%) 180 (4.3%) 0.077
    II 2921 (69.3%) 2998 (71.6%)
    III 1049 (24.9%) 969 (23.1%)
    IV 27 (0.6%) 33 (0.8%)
    Missing 6 (0.1%) 7 (0.2%)
Hypertension status, n (%) 2971 (70.5%) 2969 (70.9%) 0.71
Diabetic status, n (%) 1450 (34.4%) 1446 (34.5%) 0.92
Atrial fibrillation based on history, n (%) 1574 (37.4%) 1517 (36.2%) 0.28
Prior HF hospitalisation, n (%) 2667 (63.3%) 2607 (62.3%) 0.32
Prior myocardial infarction, n (%) 1816 (43.1%) 1818 (43.4%) 0.78
Prior stroke, n (%) 370 (8.8%) 355 (8.5%) 0.62
Prior use of ACEI, n (%) 3266 (77.5%) 3266 (78.0%) 0.61
Prior use of ARB, n (%) 963 (22.9%) 929 (22.2%) 0.46
Diuretic use, n (%) 3375 (80.1%) 3363 (80.3%) 0.83
Beta-blocker use, n (%) 3912 (92.9%) 3899 (93.1%) 0.66
Digoxin use, n (%) 1316 (31.2%) 1223 (29.2%) 0.042
Use of mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist, n (%) 2400 (57.0%) 2271 (54.2%) 0.011
Cardioverter-defibrillator implanted, n (%) 620 (14.7%) 623 (14.9%) 0.84
Use of cardiac resynchronisation therapy, n (%) 282 (6.7%) 292 (7.0%) 0.61

ACEI = angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB = angiotensin-receptor blocker; BNP = brain natriuretic peptide; HF = heart failure; IQR = interquartile range; NT-pro-BNP = N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide

Table S2 Gompertz regression model for all-mortality (n = 8399).

Coefficient SE z P>z 95% LCI 95% UCI
Sacubitril/valsartan −0.161 0.051 –3.150 0.002 –0.261 –0.061
Age –0.101 0.016 –6.220 0.000 –0.133 –0.069
Age squared 0.001 0.000 6.780 0.000 0.001 0.001
Female –0.389 0.070 –5.600 0.000 –0.525 –0.253
Region - Latin America (vs North America) 0.527 0.127 4.150 0.000 0.278 0.776
Region - Western Europe (vs North America) 0.128 0.112 1.140 0.254 –0.091 0.346
Region - Central Europe (vs North America) 0.348 0.115 3.030 0.002 0.123 0.573
Region - Other (vs North America) –0.211 0.298 –0.710 0.479 –0.796 0.373
Race - Black (vs Caucasian) 0.285 0.130 2.190 0.029 0.030 0.540
Race - Asian (vs Caucasian) 0.709 0.283 2.500 0.012 0.154 1.265
Race - Other (vs Caucasian) 0.083 0.110 0.760 0.449 –0.132 0.298
NYHA class III/IV (vs I/II) 0.202 0.061 3.300 0.001 0.082 0.322
LVEF –0.014 0.004 –3.300 0.001 –0.022 –0.006
Heart rate 0.005 0.002 2.540 0.011 0.001 0.010
log(eGFR) –0.236 0.095 –2.470 0.013 –0.422 –0.049
log(NT-proBNP) 0.387 0.027 14.140 0.000 0.333 0.440
Sodium –0.031 0.009 –3.430 0.001 –0.048 –0.013
QRS duration 0.002 0.001 3.080 0.002 0.001 0.003
Diabetes 0.215 0.054 3.950 0.000 0.108 0.321
Beta-blocker use –0.287 0.088 –3.260 0.001 –0.460 –0.115
Lipid lowering medication use –0.086 0.057 –1.520 0.129 –0.197 0.025
1–5 years since HF diagnosis (vs ≤1 year) 0.205 0.067 3.040 0.002 0.073 0.337
>5 years since HF diagnosis (vs ≤1 year) 0.290 0.072 4.010 0.000 0.148 0.432
Ischaemic aetiology 0.186 0.059 3.140 0.002 0.070 0.302
Prior stroke 0.171 0.083 2.070 0.039 0.009 0.333
Previously hospitalised for HF 0.152 0.055 2.750 0.006 0.044 0.261
EQ-5D –0.541 0.115 –4.700 0.000 –0.767 –0.315
Constant –12.760 0.583 –21.890 0.000 –13.902 –11.617
Gamma 0.000 0.000 4.560 0.000 0.000 0.001

eGFR = estimated glomerular filtration rate; EQ-5D, European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions; HF = heart failure; LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction; NT-proBNP = N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide; NYHA II–IV = New York Heart Association class II–IV; SE = standard error

Table S3 Gompertz regression model for CV mortality (n = 8399).

Mortality Hazard ratio Coefficient SE z P>z 95% CI
Sacubitril/valsartan 0.81 –0.216 0.0570 –3.79 0.000 –0.328 –0.104
Age 0.91 –0.092 0.0180 –5.13 0.000 –0.128 –0.057
Age squared 1.00 0.001 0.0001 5.35 0.000 0.000 0.001
Female 0.70 –0.357 0.0766 –4.67 0.000 –0.508 –0.207
      Latin America 1.87 0.625 0.1455 4.3 0.000 0.340 0.910
      Western Europe 1.18 0.168 0.1307 1.28 0.200 –0.089 0.424
      Central Europe 1.70 0.529 0.1319 4.01 0.000 0.270 0.787
      Asia-Pacific 0.83 –0.187 0.3172 –0.59 0.556 –0.809 0.435
      Black 1.50 0.409 0.1440 2.84 0.005 0.126 0.691
      Asian 2.62 0.962 0.2989 3.22 0.001 0.377 1.548
      Other 1.18 0.168 0.1226 1.37 0.169 –0.072 0.409
NYHA III/IV 1.34 0.296 0.0669 4.42 0.000 0.165 0.427
Ejection fraction 0.98 –0.017 0.0046 –3.6 0.000 –0.026 –0.008
Log(eGFR) 0.79 –0.238 0.1054 –2.26 0.024 –0.444 –0.031
Log(NT-proBNP) 1.56 0.443 0.0299 14.84 0.000 0.385 0.502
Sodium 0.97 –0.027 0.0099 –2.69 0.007 –0.046 –0.007
QRS duration 1.00 0.002 0.0007 3.04 0.002 0.001 0.003
Diabetes 1.26 0.229 0.0599 3.82 0.000 0.111 0.346
Beta-blocker use 0.73 –0.320 0.0964 –3.32 0.001 –0.509 –0.131
Time since diagnosis of HF
      1–5 years 1.23 0.210 0.0748 2.8 0.005 0.063 0.356
      >5 years 1.41 0.344 0.0805 4.28 0.000 0.186 0.502
Ischaemic disease 1.17 0.156 0.0626 2.48 0.013 0.033 0.278
Prior HF hospitalisation 1.17 0.159 0.0617 2.57 0.010 0.038 0.280
Baseline EQ-5D 0.57 –0.563 0.1275 –4.42 0.000 –0.813 –0.313
Constant 0.00 –12.665 0.6477 –19.55 0.000 –13.934 –11.395
Gamma§ 1.00 0.000 0.0001 2.56 0.010 0.000 0.000

eGFR = estimated glomerular filtration rate; EQ-5D, European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions; HF = heart failure; NT-proBNP = N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide; NYHA II–IV = New York Heart Association class II–IV; SE = standard error † Variable centred on mean ‡ Constant term in Gompertz regression § The ancillary parameter that controls the shape of the baseline hazard

Table S4 All-cause mortality of the Swiss population in 2012.

Age group (years) Population Deaths males Death rate males Annual probability males Death females Death rates females Annual probability females
Males Females
<1 41 914 39 495 156 0.00372 0.003715 140 0.00354 0.003538
1–4 169 732 160 469 26 0.00015 0.000153 15 0.00009 0.000093
5–9 204 230 193 511 11 0.00005 0.000054 17 0.00009 0.000087
10–14 206 846 196 080 20 0.00009 0.000097 11 0.00005 0.000056
15–19 226 301 214 933 85 0.00038 0.000376 26 0.00012 0.000121
20–24 253 574 245 387 112 0.00044 0.000442 40 0.00016 0.000163
25–29 274 522 268 685 118 0.00043 0.000429 65 0.00024 0.000242
30–34 288 145 282 589 152 0.00053 0.000527 71 0.00025 0.000251
35–39 281 336 278 235 204 0.00073 0.000724 106 0.00038 0.000381
40–44 304 469 300 842 368 0.00121 0.001207 08 0.00069 0.000691
45–49 338 087 330 167 590 0.00175 0.001744 388 0.00118 0.001174
50–54 314 108 307 365 958 0.00305 0.003045 569 0.00185 0.001849
55–59 266 125 261 023 1306 0.00491 0.004895 803 0.00308 0.003071
60–64 226 250 232 464 1960 0.00866 0.008626 1107 0.00476 0.004751
65–69 207 158 220 268 2638 0.01273 0.012654 1604 0.00728 0.007256
70–74 159 179 181 893 3012 0.01892 0.018744 2020 0.01111 0.011044
75–79 116 891 148 637 4124 0.03528 0.034666 3078 0.02071 0.020495
80–84 81 364 123 189 5146 0.06325 0.061288 5459 0.04431 0.043347
85+ 61 860 132 308 9711 0.15698 0.145282 17 749 0.13415 0.125540

Table S5 Cardiovascular mortality of the Swiss population in 2012.

Age group (years) Population Deaths males Death rate males Annual probability males Death females Death rates females Annual probability females
Males Females
<1 41 914 39 495 1 0.00002 0.000024 1 0.00003 0.000025
1–4 169 732 160 469 1 0.00001 0.000006 1 0.00001 0.000006
5–9 204 230 193 511 0 0 0 1 0.00001 0.000005
10–14 206 846 196 080 2 0.00001 0.000009 0 0 0
15–19 226 301 214 933 2 0.00001 0.000009 2 0.00001 0.000009
20–24 253 574 245 387 4 0.00002 0.000016 3 0.00001 0.000012
25–29 274 522 268 685 6 0.00002 0.000022 5 0.00002 0.000019
30–34 288 145 282,589 11 0.00004 0.000038 7 0.00002 0.000025
35–39 281 336 278 235 25 0.00009 0.000089 9 0.00003 0.000032
40–44 304 469 300 842 70 0.00023 0.000229 26 0.00009 0.000086
45–49 338 087 330 167 115 0.00034 0.000340 48 0.00015 0.000145
50–54 314 108 307 365 211 0.00067 0.000672 57 0.00019 0.000185
55–59 266 125 261 023 306 0.00115 0.001149 89 0.00034 0.000341
60–64 226 250 232 464 456 0.00202 0.002013 139 0.00060 0.000598
65–69 207 158 220 268 641 0.00309 0.003089 242 0.00110 0.001098
70–74 159 179 181 893 769 0.00483 0.004819 448 0.00246 0.002459
75–79 116 891 148 637 1265 0.01082 0.010764 882 0.00593 0.005916
80–84 81 364 123 189 1793 0.02204 0.021796 1931 0.01568 0.015553
85+ 61 860 132 308 4067 0.06575 0.063631 8038 0.06075 0.058944

Table S6 Non-cardiovascular mortality of the Swiss population in 2012.

Age group (years) All-cause mortality males (%) All-cause mortality females (%) CV mortality males (%) CV mortality females (%) Non-CV mortality males (%) Non-CV mortality females (%)
<1 0.3715 0.3538 0.0024 0.0025 0.3691 0.3513
1–4 0.0153 0.0093 0.0006 0.0006 0.0147 0.0087
5–9 0.0054 0.0087 0 0.0005 0.0054 0.0082
10–14 0.0097 0.0056 0.0009 0 0.0088 0.0056
15–19 0.0376 0.0121 0.0009 0.0009 0.0367 0.0112
20–24 0.0442 0.0163 0.0016 0.0012 0.0426 0.0151
25–29 0.0429 0.0242 0.0022 0.0019 0.0407 0.0223
30–34 0.0527 0.0251 0.0038 0.0025 0.0489 0.0226
35–39 0.0724 0.0381 0.0089 0.0032 0.0635 0.0349
40–44 0.1207 0.0691 0.0229 0.0086 0.0978 0.0605
45–49 0.1744 0.1174 0.0340 0.0145 0.1404 0.1029
50–54 0.3045 0.1849 0.0672 0.0185 0.2373 0.1664
55–59 0.4895 0.3071 0.1149 0.0341 0.3746 0.2730
60–64 0.8626 0.4751 0.2013 0.0598 0.6613 0.4153
65–69 1.2654 0.7256 0.3089 0.1098 0.9565 0.6158
70–74 1.8744 1.1044 0.4819 0.2459 1.3925 0.8585
75–79 3.4666 2.0495 1.0764 0.5916 2.3902 1.4579
80–84 6.1288 4.3347 2.1796 1.5553 3.9492 2.7794
85+ 14.5282 12.5540 6.3631 5.8944 8.1651 6.6596

Table S7 Negative binomial regression model for all-cause hospitalisation.

IRR Coefficient SE z P>z 95% CI
Sacubitril/valsartan 0.84 –0.173 0.038 –4.540 0.000 –0.248 –0.098
Age 0.95 –0.055 0.013 –4.130 0.000 –0.082 –0.029
Age squared 1.00 0.000 0.000 4.350 0.000 0.000 0.001
Female 0.74 –0.299 0.049 –6.050 0.000 –0.396 –0.202
    Latin America 0.70 –0.364 0.085 –4.300 0.000 –0.530 –0.198
    Western Europe 1.02 0.016 0.074 0.220 0.828 –0.129 0.162
    Central Europe 0.72 –0.323 0.076 –4.270 0.000 –0.471 –0.175
    Asia-Pacific 0.70 –0.352 0.085 –4.130 0.000 –0.519 –0.185
Heart rate 1.01 0.007 0.002 4.320 0.000 0.004 0.010
Log (eGFR) 0.62 –0.479 0.072 –6.610 0.000 –0.621 –0.337
Log (NT-proBNP) 1.26 0.229 0.020 11.260 0.000 0.189 0.269
Sodium 0.98 –0.021 0.007 –3.220 0.001 –0.035 –0.008
QRS duration 1.00 0.003 0.001 5.370 0.000 0.002 0.004
Diabetes 1.40 0.334 0.040 8.250 0.000 0.255 0.413
Prior ACEi use 0.90 –0.104 0.047 –2.220 0.026 –0.196 –0.012
Beta-blocker use 0.72 –0.332 0.073 –4.560 0.000 –0.475 –0.189
Lipid lowering medication use 1.07 0.072 0.043 1.680 0.094 –0.012 0.157
Time since diagnosis of HF
    1–5 years 1.30 0.265 0.049 5.390 0.000 0.169 0.362
    >5 years 1.50 0.404 0.052 7.740 0.000 0.302 0.506
Ischaemic disease 1.09 0.086 0.044 1.940 0.052 –0.001 0.173
Prior stroke 1.16 0.147 0.065 2.250 0.024 0.019 0.275
Atrial fibrillation 1.10 0.094 0.042 2.250 0.024 0.012 0.176
Prior cancer 1.18 0.163 0.088 1.850 0.064 –0.010 0.335
Current smoker 1.24 0.212 0.054 3.920 0.000 0.106 0.318
Prior HF hospitalisation 1.40 0.334 0.041 8.230 0.000 0.255 0.414
Baseline EQ-5D 0.62 –0.485 0.090 –5.410 0.000 –0.661 –0.309
Constant 0.06 –2.891 0.475 –6.090 0.000 –3.821 –1.960
ln(exposure) 0.84 –0.173 0.038 –4.540 0.000 –0.248 –0.098

ACEi = angiotensin converting-enzyme inhibitor; GFR = estimated glomerular filtration rate; EQ-5D, European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions; HF = heart failure; IRR = incidence rate ratio; NT-proBNP = N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide; NYHA II–IV = New York Heart Association class II–IV; SE = standard error † Variable centred on mean

Table S8 Occurrence of less serious adverse events in the PARADIGM-HF trial.

Event Sacubitril/valsartan (n = 4187) Angiotensin converting-enzyme inhibitor
(n = 4212)
Number Mean annual rate Mean monthly probability Number Mean annual rate Mean monthly probability
Hypotension 588 0.063 0.0052 388 0.042 0.0035 <0.001
Elevated serum creatinine 139 0.015 0.0012 188 0.020 0.0017 0.007
Elevated serum potassium 674 0.073 0.0061 727 0.079 0.0066 0.15
Cough 474 0.051 0.0042 601 0.065 0.0054 <0.001
Angio-oedema 19 0.002 0.0002 10 0.001 0.0001 0.19

† Absolute number of each adverse event taken from McMurray et al (10) ‡ No treatment or use of antihistamines § Use of catecholamines or glucocorticoids without hospitalisation ¶ Hospitalisation without airway compromise

Table S9 Mixed model for EQ-5D-based utility values.

Coefficient SE z P>z 95% CI
Sacubitril/valsartan 0.011 0.003 3.35 0.001 0.004 0.017
Age –0.001 0.000 –4.96 0.000 –0.001 0.000
Female –0.031 0.004 –7.8 0.000 –0.039 –0.023
    Latin America 0.041 0.007 5.72 0.000 0.027 0.055
    Western Europe 0.013 0.007 1.86 0.063 –0.001 0.026
    Central Europe 0.000 0.007 –0.04 0.969 –0.014 0.013
    Asia-Pacific 0.041 0.008 5.37 0.000 0.026 0.056
      II (vs I) –0.009 0.008 –1.22 0.224 –0.024 0.006
      III (vs I) –0.051 0.008 –6.05 0.000 –0.067 –0.034
      IV (vs I) –0.092 0.021 –4.46 0.000 –0.132 –0.051
Heart rate 0.000 0.000 –1.97 0.049 –0.001 0.000
Log(NT-proBNP) –0.009 0.002 –5.35 0.000 –0.013 –0.006
Sodium 0.001 0.001 1.8 0.071 0.000 0.002
BMI –0.002 0.000 –6 0.000 –0.003 –0.001
Diabetes –0.014 0.003 –4.02 0.000 –0.021 –0.007
Time since diagnosis of HF
      1–5 years –0.017 0.004 –4.21 0.000 –0.024 –0.009
      >5 years –0.023 0.004 –5.34 0.000 –0.031 –0.014
Ischaemic aetiology –0.007 0.003 –2.13 0.033 –0.014 –0.001
Prior stroke –0.012 0.006 –2.06 0.039 –0.023 –0.001
Current smoker –0.013 0.005 –2.8 0.005 –0.022 –0.004
Baseline EQ-5D 0.488 0.008 61.39 0.000 0.473 0.504
Hosp 0–30 days –0.105 0.006 –18.31 0.000 –0.116 –0.094
Hosp 30–90 days –0.054 0.004 –12.43 0.000 –0.062 –0.045
AE – cough –0.028 0.007 –4.33 0.000 –0.041 –0.015
AE – hypotension –0.029 0.006 –4.63 0.000 –0.042 –0.017
Time (years) –0.008 0.001 –8.56 0.000 –0.010 –0.006
_cons 0.822 0.010 79.67 0.000 0.802 0.843

AE = adverse event; BMI = body mass index; CI = confidence interval; eGFR = estimated glomerular filtration rate; EQ-5D, European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions; HF = heart failure; NT-proBNP = N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide; NYHA II–IV = New York Heart Association class II–IV; SE = standard error † Variable centred on mean

Table S10 Swiss drug costs of primary and background therapy for heart failure.

Tab strength (mg) Cost/pack (CHF) Tabs/pack Cost/tab (CHF) Cost/mg (CHF) Daily dose Daily cost (CHF) Monthly cost (CHF)
Primary therapy
Angiotensin converting-enzyme inhibitor – enalapril
5 7.30 30 0.244 0.05 18.9 mg 0.78 23.72
10 9.40 28 0.337 0.03
20 17.80 28 0.636 0.03
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor – ramipril
2.5 11.80 20 0.59 0.24
5 14.40 20 0.72 0.14 2 × 5 mg 1.44 43.75
10 15.10 20 0.75 0.08
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor – perindopril
2 12.73 30 0.42 0.21
4 18.27 30 0.61 0.15 8 mg 0.79 23.91
8 23.57 30 0.79 0.10
Angiotensin converting-enzyme inhibitor – lisinopril
5 7.07 30 0.24 0.05
10 9.42 30 0.31 0.03 1 × 20 mg
1 × 10 mg
0.86 26.21
20 16.42 30 0.55 0.03
Angiotensin receptor blocker – losartan
25 14.00 28 0.50 0.02
50 17.00 28 0.61 0.01 1 × 100 mg
1 × 50 mg
1.21 36.96
100 17.00 28 0.61 0.01
Angiotensin receptor blocker – candesartan
4 5.85 7 0.84 0.21
8 16.00 30 0.53 0.07
16 17.60 30 0.59 0.04
32 26.50 30 0.88 0.03 1 × 32 mg 0.88 26.89
Angiotensin receptor blocker – valsartan
80 20.20 28 0.72 0.01
160 26.75 28 0.96 0.01 2 × 160 mg 1.96 58.16
Background therapy
Beta-blocker – carvedilol
3.125 6.95 30 0.23 0.07
6.25 7.45 22 0.34 0.05
12.5 17.80 30 0.59 0.05
25 26.63 30 0.89 0.04 2 × 25 mg 1.78 54.03
Beta-blocker – bisoprolol
5 15.90 30 0.53 0.11
10 26.05 30 0.87 0.09 1 × 10 mg 0.87 26.43
Aldosterone antagonist – spironolactone
25 7.85 20 0.39 0.02 1 × 25 mg
1 × 50 mg
0.58 17.77
50 15.50 20 0.78 0.02
100 35.85 30 1.20 0.01
125µg 7.10 100 0.07 0.001 1 × 125 µg 0.08 2.42
250µg 8.80 100 0.09 0.0004
Lipid lowering medication – atorvastatin
10 28.20 30 0.94 0.09 1 × 10 mg
1 × 20mg
0.94 28.61
20 28.20 30 0.94 0.05
40 28.20 30 0.94 0.02
80 28.20 30 0.94 0.01
Lipid lowering medication – simvastatin
20 37.35 28 1.33 0.07
40 37.35 28 1.33 0.03 1 × 40 mg
1 × 80 mg
1.33 40.60
80 37.35 28 1.33 0.02
Loop diuretics – furosemide
40 4.85 12 0.40 0.01 1 × 20 mg
1 × 40 mg
0.40 12.30
100 6.60 28 0.24 0.0024 1 × 100 mg 0.24 7.17
3 7.65 25 0.31 0.1 1 × 3 mg 0.25 7.61
3 20.80 100 0.21 0.07
75 44.98 28 1.58 0.02 1 × 75 mg 1.61 48.90

Table S11 Swiss DRG codes for hospitalisation costs (description of surgical procedures).

Hospitalisations and related DRG codes PARADIGM-HF frequency Activity Unit cost
Hospitalisations involving a surgical procedure (4% of total hospitalisations)
Coronary artery bypass grafting
F05Z 16.0% 88 CHF 51 950
F06A 28 CHF 90 987
F06B 42 CHF 59 328
F06C 119 CHF 46 807
F06D 160 CHF 40 015
F06E   CHF 33 424
Mitral valve repair/replacement and other valve surgery
F03A 28.0% 93 CHF 71 993
F03B 100 CHF 51 165
F03C 175 CHF 49 118
F03D 442 CHF 42 270
F07Z 217 CHF 49 795
F98Z 258 CHF 61 777
F69Z 218 CHF 11 203
Other cardiac surgeries
F08Z 39.0% 58 CHF 61 110
F09Z 24 CHF 38 057
F13A 166 CHF 42 882
F13B 87 CHF 21 845
F13C 436 CHF 14 250
F14A 73 CHF 33 106
F14B 213 CHF 22 372
F20Z 65 CHF 7 844
F28A 118 CHF 57 969
F28B 120 CHF 34 680
F28C 56 CHF 20 726
F30Z 36 CHF 48 685
F31Z 128 CHF 34 456
F33A 127 CHF 43 072
F33B 243 CHF 25 924
F34A 272 CHF 37 873
F34B 821 CHF 20 207
F35A 86 CHF 27 309
F35B 110 CHF 15 845
F38Z 63 CHF 17 622
F39A 1965 CHF 6397
F39B 2873 CHF 5097
F54Z 1731 CHF 12 408
F59A 813 CHF 20 232
F59B 2240 CHF 7912
F51A 41 CHF 35 034
F51B 55 CHF 38 129
F51C 203 CHF 29 486
F61A 30 CHF 34 597
F61B 140 CHF 26 897
Ventricular assist device (VAD)
ZE-2015-04.04 16.0% 2 28 967.45
ZE-2015-04.05 1 57 934.90
ZE-2015-04.08 1 36 439.15
ZE-2015-04.08 1 36,439.15
ZE-2015-04.09 - 71 839.55
ZE-2015-04.11 12 115 918.95
ZE-2015-04.11 13 115 918.95
ZE-2015-04.12 2 182 347.20
Heart transplantation
A05B 1.0% 51 CHF 147 414
A06Z 35 CHF 545 196
Hospitalisations involving an interventional procedure (8% of total hospitalisations)
Implantable cardioverter/defibrillator
F01A 36.0% 31 CHF 94 070
F01B 130 CHF 55 862
F01C 63 CHF 72 725
F01D 198 CHF 48 903
F02Z 54 CHF 49 105
F10Z 22 CHF 41 700
Cardiac pacemaker (biventricular, defibrillating CRT-D), conventional
F12A 53.0% 64 CHF 36 719
F12B 46 CHF 41 076
F12C 147 CHF 33 472
F12D 902 CHF 21 423
F12E 581 CHF 20 250
F17A 227 CHF 17 182
F17B 101 CHF 13 006
F18A 49 CHF 25 039
F18B 170 CHF 11 025
Coronary angioplasty, percutaneous coronary intervention single / percutaneous coronary intervention (multiple)
F52A 11.0% 189 CHF 23 547
F52B 1322 CHF 14 285
F56A 187 CHF 22 494
F56B 1632 CHF 14 139
F57A 62 CHF 14 470
F57B 1351 CHF 9703
F58Z 178 CHF 9730
F24A 180 CHF 34 746
F24B 1338 CHF 19 645
F15Z 101 CHF 39 039
Hospitalisations involving medical management procedures (88.0% of total hospitalisations)
Cardiac failure / pneumonia / chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
F62A 65.0% 364 CHF 19 068
F62B 1532 CHF 14 350
F62C 7112 CHF 8656
Ventricular tachycardia / atrial fibrillation
F50A 11.0% 310 CHF 18 850
F50B 30 CHF 20 239
F50C 528 CHF 11 921
F50D 210 CHF 10 889
F71B 772 CHF 7606
Cerebrovascular accident
B04B 2.0% 32 CHF 30 082
B39A 41 CHF 63 370
B39B 68 CHF 37 476
B39C 40 CHF 27 626
B70A 350 CHF 25 839
B70B 255 CHF 19 414
B70C 945 CHF 15 791
B70D 650 CHF 14 717
B70E 4093 CHF 11 456
B70G 126 CHF 6122
B70H 433 CHF 3721
Angina pectoris
F71A 2.0% 374 CHF 13 020
F72A 144 CHF 7495
F72B 3584 CHF 4444
Acute myocardial infarction
F41A 2.0% 39 CHF 26 184
F41B 411 CHF 10 447
F60A 472 CHF 14 707
F60B 2301 CHF 7635
F73Z 3.0% 4765 CHF 4829
Non-cardiac chest pain
F74Z 5.0% 2462 CHF 3400
Renal failure acute
L60B 3.0% 128 CHF 26 224
F43B 3.0% 208 CHF 30 377
Transient ischaemic attack
B69A 1.0%
B69B 22 CHF 10 926
B69C 1591 CHF 8643
B69D 174 CHF 9866
Urinary tract infection
L63D 1.0% 560 CHF 5669
Q61D 2.0% 256 CHF 13 030

Proportion of hospitalisations per procedure were derived from the Western European population of the PARADIGM-HF trial, including patients from Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, UK, Israel and South Africa.

Table S12 Parameters used in univariate and probabilistic sensitivity analyses. Cost parameters are in CHF.

Parameter Mean value Lower value for univariate SA Upper value for univariate SA Reference for uncertainty Distribution used in PSA
CV mortality (coef.): sacubitril/valsartan –0.2159 –0.3275 –0.1042 95% CI Multivariate normal
CV mortality (coef.): Age* –0.0924 –0.1277 –0.0571 95% CI Multivariate normal
CV mortality (coef.): Age squared 0.0008 0.0005 0.0011 95% CI Multivariate normal
CV mortality (coef.): Female –0.3575 –0.5076 –0.2073 95% CI Multivariate normal
CV mortality (coef.): Region – Latin America (vs North America) 0.6252 0.3401 0.9103 95% CI Multivariate normal
CV mortality (coef.): Region – Western Europe (vs North America) 0.1675 –0.0886 0.4237 95% CI Multivariate normal
CV mortality (coef.): Region – Central Europe (vs North America) 0.5286 0.2701 0.7871 95% CI Multivariate normal
CV mortality (coef.): Region – Other (vs North America) –0.1869 –0.8086 0.4348 95% CI Multivariate normal
CV mortality (coef.): Race – Black (vs Caucasian) 0.4086 0.1264 0.6908 95% CI Multivariate normal
CV mortality (coef.): Race – Asian (vs Caucasian) 0.9624 0.3766 1.5482 95% CI Multivariate normal
CV mortality (coef.): Race – Other (vs Caucasian) 0.1685 –0.0717 0.4087 95% CI Multivariate normal
CV mortality (coef.): NYHA class III/IV (vs I/II) 0.2959 0.1648 0.4270 95% CI Multivariate normal
CV mortality (coef.): LVEF* –0.0167 –0.0257 –0.0076 95% CI Multivariate normal
CV mortality (coef.): log(eGFR)* –0.2377 –0.4442 –0.0312 95% CI Multivariate normal
CV mortality (coef.): log(NT–proBNP)* 0.4432 0.3846 0.5017 95% CI Multivariate normal
CV mortality (coef.): Sodium* –0.0267 –0.0462 –0.0072 95% CI Multivariate normal
CV mortality (coef.): QRS duration* 0.0020 0.0007 0.0033 95% CI Multivariate normal
CV mortality (coef.): Diabetes 0.2289 0.1114 0.3464 95% CI Multivariate normal
CV mortality (coef.): Beta blocker use –0.3202 –0.5092 –0.1312 95% CI Multivariate normal
CV mortality (coef.): 1–5 years since HF diagnosis (vs ≤1 year) 0.2096 0.0630 0.3562 95% CI Multivariate normal
CV mortality (coef.): >5 years since HF diagnosis (vs ≤1 year) 0.3441 0.1864 0.5018 95% CI Multivariate normal
CV mortality (coef.): Ischaemic aetiology 0.1555 0.0328 0.2783 95% CI Multivariate normal
CV mortality (coef.): Previously hospitalised for HF 0.1588 0.0379 0.2797 95% CI Multivariate normal
CV mortality (coef.): EQ–5D* –0.5631 –0.8129 –0.3132 95% CI Multivariate normal
CV mortality (coef.): Constant –12.6648 –13.9344 –11.3953 95% CI Multivariate normal
CV mortality (coef.): Gamma 0.0002 0.0001 0.0004 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: sacubitril/valsartan –0.1608 –0.2610 –0.0606 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: Age* –0.1011 –0.1329 –0.0692 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: Age squared 0.0009 0.0006 0.0011 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: Female –0.3891 –0.5253 –0.2528 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: Region - Latin America (vs North America) 0.5271 0.2779 0.7763 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: Region - Western Europe (vs North America) 0.1275 –0.0914 0.3464 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: Region - Central Europe (vs North America) 0.3482 0.1232 0.5732 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: Region - Other (vs North America) –0.2111 –0.7956 0.3734 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: Race - Black (vs Caucasian) 0.2848 0.0296 0.5400 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: Race - Asian (vs Caucasian) 0.7093 0.1539 1.2648 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: Race - Other (vs Caucasian) 0.0831 –0.1322 0.2984 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: NYHA class III/IV (vs I/II) 0.2021 0.0821 0.3221 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: LVEF* –0.0138 –0.0220 –0.0056 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: Heart rate* 0.0055 0.0012 0.0097 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: log(eGFR)* –0.2356 –0.4225 –0.0487 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: log(NT-proBNP)* 0.3866 0.3330 0.4402 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: Sodium* –0.0306 –0.0480 –0.0131 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: QRS duration* 0.0019 0.0007 0.0030 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: Diabetes 0.2149 0.1084 0.3214 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: Beta blocker use –0.2873 –0.4598 –0.1147 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: Lipid lowering medication use –0.0860 –0.1970 0.0249 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: 1-5 years since HF diagnosis (vs ≤1 year) 0.2049 0.0729 0.3368 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: >5 years since HF diagnosis (vs ≤1 year) 0.2902 0.1482 0.4323 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: Ischaemic aetiology 0.1857 0.0696 0.3017 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: Prior stroke 0.1711 0.0088 0.3335 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: Previously hospitalised for HF 0.1522 0.0438 0.2606 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: EQ-5D* –0.5413 –0.7672 –0.3154 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: Constant –12.7596 –13.9020 –11.6172 95% CI Multivariate normal
All-cause mortality: Gamma 0.0004 0.0002 0.0005 95% CI Multivariate normal
% of deaths with CV cause (Sacubitril/valsartan) 0.7848 0.7527 0.8145 95% CI Beta
% of deaths with CV cause (ACEi) 0.8299 0.8027 0.8548 95% CI Beta
Discontinuation: Sacubitril/valsartan –0.1115 –0.2104 –0.0127 95% CI Multivariate normal
Discontinuation: Region – Latin America (vs North America) –0.2855 –0.4783 –0.0927 95% CI Multivariate normal
Discontinuation: Region – Western Europe (vs North America) –0.1076 –0.2798 0.0646 95% CI Multivariate normal
Discontinuation: Region – Central Europe (vs North America) –0.4092 –0.5880 –0.2305 95% CI Multivariate normal
Discontinuation: Region – Other (vs North America) –0.8739 –1.0988 –0.6491 95% CI Multivariate normal
Discontinuation: Heart rate* 0.0065 0.0024 0.0107 95% CI Multivariate normal
Discontinuation: log(eGFR)* –0.5315 –0.7069 –0.3561 95% CI Multivariate normal
Discontinuation: log(NT–proBNP)* 0.2045 0.1517 0.2572 95% CI Multivariate normal
Discontinuation: Sodium* –0.0164 –0.0338 0.0009 95% CI Multivariate normal
Discontinuation: Diabetes 0.1546 0.0500 0.2592 95% CI Multivariate normal
Discontinuation: Beta blocker use –0.1750 –0.3624 0.0125 95% CI Multivariate normal
Discontinuation: Lipid lowering medication use –0.1914 –0.3008 –0.0819 95% CI Multivariate normal
Discontinuation: 1–5 years since HF diagnosis (vs ≤1 year) 0.1020 –0.0299 0.2340 95% CI Multivariate normal
Discontinuation: >5 years since HF diagnosis (vs ≤1 year) 0.2879 0.1536 0.4222 95% CI Multivariate normal
Discontinuation: Ischaemic aetiology 0.1311 0.0186 0.2435 95% CI Multivariate normal
Discontinuation: EQ–5D* –0.4726 –0.6869 –0.2583 95% CI Multivariate normal
Discontinuation: Constant –7.9937 –8.2645 –7.7228 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): Sacubitril/valsartan –0.1729 –0.2476 –0.0983 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): Age* –0.0553 –0.0816 –0.0291 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): Age^2 0.0005 0.0003 0.0007 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): Female –0.2989 –0.3957 –0.2022 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): Region – Latin America (vs North America) –0.3638 –0.5296 –0.1980 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): Region – Western Europe (vs North America) 0.0161 –0.1294 0.1616 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): Region – Central Europe (vs North America) –0.3230 –0.4714 –0.1746 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): Region – Other (vs North America) –0.3520 –0.5190 –0.1850 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): Heart rate* 0.0070 0.0038 0.0102 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): log(eGFR)* –0.4791 –0.6211 –0.3371 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): log(NT–proBNP)* 0.2290 0.1891 0.2688 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): Sodium* –0.0215 –0.0346 –0.0084 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): QRS duration* 0.0031 0.0019 0.0042 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): Diabetes 0.3340 0.2547 0.4134 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): Prior use of ACEi –0.1043 –0.1962 –0.0124 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): Beta blocker use –0.3320 –0.4747 –0.1893 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): Lipid lowering medication use 0.0722 –0.0122 0.1567 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): 1–5 years since HF diagnosis (vs ≤1 year) 0.2651 0.1687 0.3616 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): >5 years since HF diagnosis (vs ≤1 year) 0.4038 0.3016 0.5061 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): Ischaemic aetiology 0.0862 –0.0009 0.1734 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): Prior stroke 0.1469 0.0191 0.2746 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): Prior atrial fibrillation/ flutter 0.0942 0.0123 0.1761 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): Prior cancer 0.1629 –0.0095 0.3353 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): Current smoker 0.2119 0.1060 0.3178 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): Previously hospitalised for HF 0.3345 0.2548 0.4142 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): EQ–5D* –0.4855 –0.6615 –0.3095 95% CI Multivariate normal
Hospitalisation (coef.): Constant –2.8905 –3.8207 –1.9603 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): Sacubitril/valsartan 0.0106 0.0044 0.0168 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): Age* –0.0008 –0.0011 –0.0005 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): Female –0.0309 –0.0387 –0.0231 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): Region – Latin America (vs North America) 0.0412 0.0271 0.0553 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): Region – Western Europe (vs North America) 0.0126 –0.0007 0.0259 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): Region – Central Europe (vs North America) –0.0003 –0.0135 0.0130 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): Region – Other (vs North America) 0.0410 0.0261 0.0560 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): NYHA class II (vs I) –0.0093 –0.0242 0.0057 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): NYHA class III (vs I) –0.0509 –0.0674 –0.0344 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): NYHA class IV (vs I) –0.0917 –0.1319 –0.0514 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): Heart rate* –0.0003 –0.0005 0.0000 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): log(NT–proBNP)* –0.0093 –0.0127 –0.0059 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): Sodium* 0.0010 –0.0001 0.0022 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): BMI –0.0020 –0.0026 –0.0013 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): Diabetes –0.0140 –0.0208 –0.0072 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): 1–5 years since HF diagnosis (vs ≤1 year) –0.0165 –0.0242 –0.0088 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): >5 years since HF diagnosis (vs ≤1 year) –0.0226 –0.0309 –0.0143 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): Ischaemic aetiology –0.0073 –0.0140 –0.0006 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): Prior stroke –0.0118 –0.0230 –0.0006 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): Current smoker –0.0130 –0.0220 –0.0039 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): EQ–5D* 0.4885 0.4729 0.5041 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): Hospitalised within previous 30 days –0.1047 –0.1159 –0.0935 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): Hospitalised 30–90 days previously –0.0539 –0.0624 –0.0454 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): Adverse event – cough –0.0282 –0.0410 –0.0154 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): Adverse event – hypotension –0.0292 –0.0415 –0.0168 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): Annual change –0.0079 –0.0097 –0.0061 95% CI Multivariate normal
Utility (coef.): Constant 0.8224 0.8022 0.8426 95% CI Multivariate normal
Adverse events: hypotension, annual rate, Sacubitril/valsartan 0.0630 0.0580 0.0680 95% CI None
Adverse events: hypotension, annual rate, ACEi 0.0420 0.0380 0.0460 95% CI None
Adverse events: hypotension, mean duration (days) 64.8721 58.8900 70.9000 ± 25% Log
Adverse events: cough, annual rate, Sacubitril/valsartan 0.0510 0.0460 0.0560 95% CI Log
Adverse events: cough, annual rate, ACEi 0.0650 0.0600 0.0700 95% CI Log
Adverse events: cough, mean duration (days) 73.3328 66.0200 80.6500 ± 25% Log
Adverse events: angio-oedema, annual rate, Sacubitril/valsartan 0.0020 0.0010 0.0030 95% CI None
Adverse events: angio-oedema, annual rate, ACEi 0.0010 0.0000 0.0020 95% CI None
Adverse events: elevated serum creatinine, annual rate, Sacubitril/valsartan 0.0150 0.0120 0.0170 95% CI Log
Adverse events: elevated serum creatinine, annual rate, ACEi 0.0200 0.0170 0.0230 95% CI Log
Adverse events: elevated serum potassium, annual rate, Sacubitril/valsartan 0.0730 0.0670 0.0780 95% CI Log
Adverse events: elevated serum potassium, annual rate, ACEi 0.0790 0.0730 0.0850 95% CI Log
Costs, primary therapy, enalapril, cost per pack: 5 7.32 5.49 9.15 ± 25% None
Costs, primary therapy, enalapril, cost per pack: 10 9.43 7.07 11.79 ± 25% None
Costs, background therapy, carvedilol, cost per pack: 3.125 6.95 5.21 8.69 ± 25% None
Costs, background therapy, carvedilol, cost per pack: 6.25 7.45 5.59 9.31 ± 25% None
Costs, background therapy, carvedilol, cost per pack: 12.5 17.80 13.35 22.25 ± 25% None
Costs, background therapy, carvedilol, cost per pack: 25 26.63 19.97 33.28 ± 25% None
Costs, background therapy, bisoprolol, cost per pack: 5 15.90 11.93 19.88 ± 25% None
Costs, background therapy, bisoprolol, cost per pack: 10 26.05 19.54 32.56 ± 25% None
Costs, background therapy, spironolactone, cost per pack: 25 7.85 5.89 9.81 ± 25% None
Costs, background therapy, spironolactone, cost per pack: 50 15.50 11.63 19.38 ± 25% None
Costs, background therapy, spironolactone, cost per pack: 100 35.85 26.89 44.81 ± 25% None
Costs, background therapy, digoxin, cost per pack: 125 7.10 5.33 8.88 ± 25% None
Costs, background therapy, digoxin, cost per pack: 250 8.80 6.60 11.00 ± 25% None
Costs, background therapy, atorvastatin, cost per pack: 10 28.20 21.15 35.25 ± 25% None
Costs, background therapy, atorvastatin, cost per pack: 20 28.20 21.15 35.25 ± 25% None
Costs, background therapy, atorvastatin, cost per pack: 40 28.20 21.15 35.25 ± 25% None
Costs, background therapy, atorvastatin, cost per pack: 80 28.29 21.22 35.36 ± 25% None
Costs, background therapy, simvastatin, cost per pack: 20 37.35 28.01 46.69 ± 25% None
Costs, background therapy, simvastatin, cost per pack: 40 37.35 28.01 46.69 ± 25% None
Costs, background therapy, simvastatin, cost per pack: 80 37.35 28.01 46.69 ± 25% None
Costs, background therapy, furosemide, cost per pack: 40 4.85 3.64 6.06 ± 25% None
Costs, background therapy, aspirin, cost per pack: 100 6.60 4.95 8.25 ± 25% None
Costs, background therapy, warfarin, cost per pack: 3 7.65 5.74 9.56 ± 25% None
Costs, background therapy, clopidogrel, cost per pack: 75 44.98 33.74 56.23 ± 25% None
Beta blockers, % of patients 0.9300 0.9200 0.9400 95% CI Beta
Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist, % of patients 0.5561 0.5500 0.5700 95% CI Beta
Digoxin, % of patients 0.3023 0.2900 0.3100 95% CI Beta
Lipid lowering medications, % of patients 0.5630 0.5500 0.5700 95% CI Beta
Diuretics, % of patients 0.8022 0.7900 0.8100 95% CI Beta
Aspirin, % of patients 0.5178 0.5100 0.5300 95% CI Beta
Anticoagulants, % of patients 0.3197 0.3100 0.3300 95% CI Beta
ADP antagonists, % of patients 0.1500 0.1400 0.1600 95% CI Beta
Costs, monthly cost of HF management 110.30 82.73 137.88 ± 25% Log
Costs, adverse events – hypotension, cost per PCP visit 110.30 82.73 137.88 ± 25% Log
Costs, adverse events – hypotension, number of PCP visits required 2.00 1.50 2.50 ± 25% Log
Costs, adverse events – elevated serum creatinine, cost per PCP visit 110.30 82.73 137.88 ± 25% Log
Costs, adverse events – elevated serum creatinine, number of PCP visits required 2.00 1.50 2.50 ± 25% Log
Costs, adverse events – elevated serum creatinine, cost per lab test 8.00 6.00 10.00 ± 25% Log
Costs, adverse events – elevated serum potassium, cost per PCP visit 110.30 82.73 137.88 ± 25% Log
Costs, adverse events – elevated serum potassium, number of PCP visits required 2.00 1.50 2.50 ± 25% Log
Costs, adverse events – elevated serum potassium, cost per lab test 8.00 6.00 10.00 ± 25% Log
Costs, adverse events – cough, cost per PCP visit 110.30 82.73 137.88 ± 25% Log
Costs, adverse events – cough, number of PCP visits required 2.00 1.50 2.50 ± 25% Log
Costs, adverse events – cough, cost per lab test 8.00 6.00 10.00 ± 25% Log
Costs, adverse events – angio-oedema, % with milder angio-oedema 0.60 60% 60% ± 25% Beta
Costs, adverse events – angio-oedema, cost per outpatient contact 110.30 82.73 137.88 ± 25% Log
Costs, adverse events – angio-oedema, no. of outpatient visits required 2.00 1.50 2.50 not varied Log
Costs, adverse events – angio-oedema, daily cost of antihistamines 0.77 0.77 0.77 ± 25% None
Costs, adverse events – angio-oedema, no. of days on antihistamines 14.00 10.50 17.50 ± 25% Log
Costs, adverse events – angio-oedema, cost per ER visit 492.00 369.00 615.00 ± 25% Log
Costs, adverse events – angio-oedema, cost per PCP visit 110.30 82.73 137.88 ± 25% Log
Costs, adverse events – angio-oedema,no. of PCP visits required 1.00 1.00 1.00 not varied Log
Costs, adverse events – angio-oedema, daily cost of glucocorticoids 1.42 1.42 1.42 ± 25% None
Costs, adverse events – angio-oedema, no. of days on glucocorticoids 5.00 3.75 6.25 ± 25% Log
Costs, titration, cost per PCP visit 110.30 82.73 137.88 ± 25% Log
Costs, titration, number of PCP visits required (titration) 2.00 1.50 2.50 ± 25% Log
Costs, titration, NT–proBNP testing 70.00 52.50 87.50 ± 25% Log
Costs, titration, number of outpatient visits required (NT–proBNP testing) 1.00 0.75 1.25 ± 25% Log
Costs, titration, cost per outpatient contact 132.02 99.02 165.03 ± 25% Log

Table S13 Results of subgroup analyses.

Subgroup ∆ Costs ∆ QALYs ICER % change from base-case
Full analysis set CHF 10 926 0.425 CHF 25 684 0%
Baseline age <65 years CHF 11 707 0.444 CHF 26 375 3%
Baseline age ≥65 years CHF 10 115 0.406 CHF 24 900 –3%
Baseline age <75 years CHF 11 396 0.437 CHF 26 089 2%
Baseline age ≥75 years CHF 8872 0.376 CHF 23 624 –8%
Region - North America CHF 9697 0.418 CHF 23 194 –10%
Region - Latin America CHF 10 766 0.428 CHF 25 164 –2%
Region - Western Europe CHF 10 771 0.445 CHF 24 229 –6%
Region - Central Europe CHF 11 153 0.396 CHF 28 132 10%
Region - Other CHF 11 359 0.455 CHF 24 990 –3%
Baseline NYHA class I/II CHF 11 409 0.451 CHF 25 317 –1%
Baseline NYHA III/IV CHF 9456 0.349 CHF 27 128 6%
Baseline LVEF ≤ median CHF 10 377 0.420 CHF 24,698 –4%
Baseline LVEF > median CHF 11 565 0.432 CHF 26 801 4%
Baseline SBP ≤ median CHF 10 792 0.429 CHF 25 127 –2%
Baseline SBP > median CHF 11 088 0.420 CHF 26 373 3%
Baseline eGFR <60 CHF 9394 0.397 CHF 23 642 –8%
Baseline eGFR ≥60 CHF 11 805 0.441 CHF 26 738 4%
Baseline NT-proBNP ≤ median CHF 12 841 0.465 CHF 27 589 7%
Baseline NT-proBNP > median CHF 8863 0.382 CHF 23 186 –10%
Diabetes at baseline CHF 9477 0.399 CHF 23 762 –7%
No diabetes at baseline CHF 11 689 0.439 CHF 26 602 4%
Hypertension at baseline CHF 10 744 0.416 CHF 25 801 0%
No hypertension at baseline CHF 11 366 0.447 CHF 25 421 –1%
Prior use of ACEI CHF 11 005 0.426 CHF 25 855 1%
Prior use of ARB CHF 10 642 0.425 CHF 25 067 –2%
Use of beta-blocker at baseline CHF 11 075 0.428 CHF 25 879 1%
No use of beta-blocker at baseline CHF 8944 0.391 CHF 22 856 –11%
Use of aldosterone antagonist at baseline CHF 10 845 0.422 CHF 25 720 0%
No use of aldosterone antagonist at baseline CHF 11 027 0.430 CHF 25 640 0%
≤1 year since diagnosis of HF CHF 12 887 0.466 CHF 27 674 8%
1–5 years since diagnosis of HF CHF 10 536 0.414 CHF 25 464 –1%
>5 years since diagnosis of HF CHF 9532 0.401 CHF 23 758 –8%
Ischaemic aetiology CHF 10 501 0.413 CHF 25 434 –1%
Non-ischaemic aetiology CHF 11 563 0.444 CHF 26 033 1%
Prior atrial fibrillation at baseline CHF 10 089 0.404 CHF 24 990 –3%
No prior atrial fibrillation at baseline CHF 11 414 0.438 CHF 26 057 1%
Prior HF hospitalisation CHF 10 306 0.416 CHF 24 786 –3%
No prior HF hospitalisation CHF 11 973 0.442 CHF 27 111 6%

MRA = mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist; AF = atrial fibrillation; BB = beta-blocker; QALYs = quality-adjusted life years; ICER = incremental cost-effectiveness ratio; NYHA = New York Heart Association; LVEF = left ventricular ejection fraction; SBP = systolic blood pressure; eGFR = estimated glomerular filtration rate; NT-proBNP = N terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide; ACEI = angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB = angiotensin receptor blocker; HF = heart failure.


Disclosure statement

This analysis and the PARADIGM-HF study were funded by Novartis AG. Elizabeth Hancock and David Trueman acted as paid consultants for Novartis Pharma AG. Céline Deschaseaux was employee at Novartis Pharma AG at study time. For the work under consideration, Matthias Schwenglenks has received research funding (via employment institution) from Novartis Pharma Schweiz AG.


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Disclosure statement

This analysis and the PARADIGM-HF study were funded by Novartis AG. Elizabeth Hancock and David Trueman acted as paid consultants for Novartis Pharma AG. Céline Deschaseaux was employee at Novartis Pharma AG at study time. For the work under consideration, Matthias Schwenglenks has received research funding (via employment institution) from Novartis Pharma Schweiz AG.