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Review article: Biomedical intelligence

Vol. 142 No. 3132 (2012)

Infections in paediatrics: old and new diseases

  • Klara M Posfay-Barbe
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Swiss Med Wkly. 2012;142:w13654


Paediatric infectious diseases have been reported since Hippocrates, and were always closely linked with the evolution of medicine. Current insights and recommendations by the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Group of Switzerland for the management of common paediatric diseases, such as acute otitis media, pharyngitis, and acute viral gastroenteritis are reviewed. The emergence of “old” vaccine-preventable diseases – pertussis and measles – is also discussed. Furthermore, the impact of the appearance of new hosts in paediatric – very low birthweight infants, immunosuppressed patients – is evaluated. Finally, new emerging paediatric infectious diseases caused by newly discovered viruses, such as human metapneumovirus, human bocavirus, or human coronavirus NL63 are explored. This overview gives a general idea on some topics that are currently significant and specific to paediatric infectious diseases.


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